
Mothers as Agents of Household Health
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONIn Nigeria, mothers equipped with knowledge, income, and confidence are shaping the health of their families.

Assessing Current Practices and Behavioral Determinants of Health Outcomes Among Women in Northern Nigeria
Breakthrough RESEARCH English Nigeria Maternal and Child Health Fact Sheet/Brief Integration Breakthrough RESEARCHThis page contains three infographics summarizing the results of research on health practices and behavioral determinants of health outcomes in Nigeria.

Advancing Integrated Social and Behavior Change and Provider Behavior Change Programming: Exploration of the research and learning agendas
Please join Breakthrough RESEARCH and partners for a presentation and dialogue on developing and socializing two research and learning agendas to help enhance provider behavior change and integrated social and behavior change (SBC) programming.

Gender Integration in Social and Behavior Change: What does it take?
Breakthrough RESEARCH English Gender Report, Fact Sheet/Brief Integration Breakthrough RESEARCHThe report and accompanying brief highlight eight promising practices for integrating gender considerations in social and behavior change interventions.

Compass for SBC “Spotlight” on Breakthrough RESEARCH
Blog, Breakthrough RESEARCHThis blog post introduces the Breakthrough RESEARCH Compass Spotlight showcasing Breakthrough RESEARCH's range of SBC research and evaluation products.

Social and Behavior Change Research Spotlights
Breakthrough RESEARCH French, English Pakistan, Tanzania, India, Burkina Faso Provider Behavior Change, Maternal and Child Health Website, Webinar, Presentation Slides, Fact Sheet/Brief Integration, Audience Segmentation Breakthrough RESEARCHThese research spotlights highlight how three SBC initiatives are filling priority evidence gaps for integrated SBC and PBC programming.

Reflections from the CORE Group Conference: How Does Breakthrough RESEARCH’s Work Respond to Practitioner Priorities?
Blog, Breakthrough RESEARCHThe blog post discusses three priorities that surfaced during a conference for health practitioners on the frontlines during discussions of community health.

Answering Critical Social and Behavior Change Questions to Advance the Field and Improve Population-Based Behavior Change
Blog, Breakthrough RESEARCHThis blog post offers critical questions social and behavior change (SBC) professionals need to ask to develop effective integrated SBC programming.

Developing a Social and Behavior Change Research Agenda
Breakthrough RESEARCH French, English Provider Behavior Change Webinar, Presentation Slides, Fact Sheet/Brief Integration, Monitoring and Evaluation, Knowledge Management Breakthrough RESEARCHThis page contains resources to help social and behavior change (SBC) professionals understand provider behavior change and integrated SBC programming.

Mothers as Agents of Household Health
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONIn Nigeria, mothers equipped with knowledge, income, and confidence are shaping the health of their families.

Assessing Current Practices and Behavioral Determinants of Health Outcomes Among Women in Northern Nigeria
Breakthrough RESEARCH English Nigeria Maternal and Child Health Fact Sheet/Brief Integration Breakthrough RESEARCHThis page contains three infographics summarizing the results of research on health practices and behavioral determinants of health outcomes in Nigeria.

Advancing Integrated Social and Behavior Change and Provider Behavior Change Programming: Exploration of the research and learning agendas
Please join Breakthrough RESEARCH and partners for a presentation and dialogue on developing and socializing two research and learning agendas to help enhance provider behavior change and integrated social and behavior change (SBC) programming.

Gender Integration in Social and Behavior Change: What does it take?
Breakthrough RESEARCH English Gender Report, Fact Sheet/Brief Integration Breakthrough RESEARCHThe report and accompanying brief highlight eight promising practices for integrating gender considerations in social and behavior change interventions.

Compass for SBC “Spotlight” on Breakthrough RESEARCH
Blog, Breakthrough RESEARCHThis blog post introduces the Breakthrough RESEARCH Compass Spotlight showcasing Breakthrough RESEARCH's range of SBC research and evaluation products.

Social and Behavior Change Research Spotlights
Breakthrough RESEARCH French, English Pakistan, Tanzania, India, Burkina Faso Provider Behavior Change, Maternal and Child Health Website, Webinar, Presentation Slides, Fact Sheet/Brief Integration, Audience Segmentation Breakthrough RESEARCHThese research spotlights highlight how three SBC initiatives are filling priority evidence gaps for integrated SBC and PBC programming.

Reflections from the CORE Group Conference: How Does Breakthrough RESEARCH’s Work Respond to Practitioner Priorities?
Blog, Breakthrough RESEARCHThe blog post discusses three priorities that surfaced during a conference for health practitioners on the frontlines during discussions of community health.

Answering Critical Social and Behavior Change Questions to Advance the Field and Improve Population-Based Behavior Change
Blog, Breakthrough RESEARCHThis blog post offers critical questions social and behavior change (SBC) professionals need to ask to develop effective integrated SBC programming.

Developing a Social and Behavior Change Research Agenda
Breakthrough RESEARCH French, English Provider Behavior Change Webinar, Presentation Slides, Fact Sheet/Brief Integration, Monitoring and Evaluation, Knowledge Management Breakthrough RESEARCHThis page contains resources to help social and behavior change (SBC) professionals understand provider behavior change and integrated SBC programming.

Mothers as Agents of Household Health
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONIn Nigeria, mothers equipped with knowledge, income, and confidence are shaping the health of their families.

Assessing Current Practices and Behavioral Determinants of Health Outcomes Among Women in Northern Nigeria
Breakthrough RESEARCH English Nigeria Maternal and Child Health Fact Sheet/Brief Integration Breakthrough RESEARCHThis page contains three infographics summarizing the results of research on health practices and behavioral determinants of health outcomes in Nigeria.

Advancing Integrated Social and Behavior Change and Provider Behavior Change Programming: Exploration of the research and learning agendas
Please join Breakthrough RESEARCH and partners for a presentation and dialogue on developing and socializing two research and learning agendas to help enhance provider behavior change and integrated social and behavior change (SBC) programming.

Gender Integration in Social and Behavior Change: What does it take?
Breakthrough RESEARCH English Gender Report, Fact Sheet/Brief Integration Breakthrough RESEARCHThe report and accompanying brief highlight eight promising practices for integrating gender considerations in social and behavior change interventions.

Compass for SBC “Spotlight” on Breakthrough RESEARCH
Blog, Breakthrough RESEARCHThis blog post introduces the Breakthrough RESEARCH Compass Spotlight showcasing Breakthrough RESEARCH's range of SBC research and evaluation products.

Social and Behavior Change Research Spotlights
Breakthrough RESEARCH French, English Pakistan, Tanzania, India, Burkina Faso Provider Behavior Change, Maternal and Child Health Website, Webinar, Presentation Slides, Fact Sheet/Brief Integration, Audience Segmentation Breakthrough RESEARCHThese research spotlights highlight how three SBC initiatives are filling priority evidence gaps for integrated SBC and PBC programming.

Reflections from the CORE Group Conference: How Does Breakthrough RESEARCH’s Work Respond to Practitioner Priorities?
Blog, Breakthrough RESEARCHThe blog post discusses three priorities that surfaced during a conference for health practitioners on the frontlines during discussions of community health.

Answering Critical Social and Behavior Change Questions to Advance the Field and Improve Population-Based Behavior Change
Blog, Breakthrough RESEARCHThis blog post offers critical questions social and behavior change (SBC) professionals need to ask to develop effective integrated SBC programming.

Developing a Social and Behavior Change Research Agenda
Breakthrough RESEARCH French, English Provider Behavior Change Webinar, Presentation Slides, Fact Sheet/Brief Integration, Monitoring and Evaluation, Knowledge Management Breakthrough RESEARCHThis page contains resources to help social and behavior change (SBC) professionals understand provider behavior change and integrated SBC programming.