Supporting sexual-reproductive self-care

Using the Community Action Cycle to Build Trust in Guinea

Breakthrough ACTION increased antenatal care rates in Guinea from 25% to 75% by using community dialogues to build trust among women in local health facilities.
A pregnant woman and her family talk to a medical provider
A community health nurse gives medical advice to a mother holding an infant in Sierra LeoneMwangi Kirubi/PMI Impact Malaria/Flickr

Provider and Client Perceptions of Malaria Prevention and Treatment Services in Sierra Leone

This report summarizes research on socio-behavioral determinants related to malaria care provider practices and patient experiences in Sierra Leone.
Workers digging to make dike repairs in Burkina FasoJHartl USAID

Applying Behavioral Design to Advance Health Outcomes by Improving Livelihoods in Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso health official uses behavior design training provided by Breakthrough ACTION to improve farmer livelihoods and health.
A nurse counseling a pregnant woman at her checkupJonathan Torgovnik/Getty Images/Images of Empowerment
A community health worker performs a malaria rapid diagnostic test on a sick childPMI Impact Malaria/Flickr
A community health worker uses a rapid malaria test on a young boy in ZambiaJennifer Somtore/USAID/Flickr
Niveaux potentiels d'influence sur les comportements en matière de PFBreakthrough ACTION

Banque d’indicateurs du changement social et de comportement dans le cadre de la planification familiale et de la prestation de services

Cette banque est un ensemble d’indicateurs types destinés à être utilisés dans les programmes de PF qui utilisent des approaches de CSC.