Applying Behavioral Design to Advance Health Outcomes by Improving Livelihoods in Burkina Faso
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONBurkina Faso health official uses behavior design training provided by Breakthrough ACTION to improve farmer livelihoods and health.
Encouraging Counseling that Promotes Meaningful Choice: Behavioral Design for Provider Behavior Change in Malawi
Breakthrough ACTION English Malawi Provider Behavior Change, Sexual and Reproductive Health Case Study Human-centered Design, Behavioral Science Breakthrough ACTIONThis case study describes how Breakthrough ACTION used behavioral design to understand family planning provider behavior in Malawi and offers seven insights.
When Knowing the Protocol is Not Enough: Behavioral Design for Provider Behavior Change in Malaria Diagnosis and Treatment in Nigeria
Breakthrough ACTION English Nigeria Provider Behavior Change, Malaria Case Study Human-centered Design, Behavioral Science Breakthrough ACTIONThis case study shows how provider environment and experiences impact malaria testing and treatment guideline compliance in Nigeria and offers three insights.
Leveraging Connections Between Client and Provider Behavior: Behavioral Design for Provider Behavior Change in Zambia
Breakthrough ACTION English Zambia Provider Behavior Change, Maternal and Child Health Case Study Human-centered Design, Behavioral Science Breakthrough ACTIONBased on Breakthrough ACTION’s work in Zambia, this case study examines how health care providers' environments impact their ability to provide quality care.
Banque d’indicateurs du changement social et de comportement dans le cadre de la planification familiale et de la prestation de services
Cette banque est un ensemble d’indicateurs types destinés à être utilisés dans les programmes de PF qui utilisent des approaches de CSC.
Hit The Ground Running in 2022 With Our Top Five Resources
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONBreakthrough ACTION highlights its top five resources to help social and behavior change practitioners hit the ground running in the new year.
COVID Behaviors Dashboard Webinar Recap: How are the Data Used?
Breakthrough ACTION, BlogThis blog post shares three takeaways from a webinar about how organizations used the COVID Behaviors Dashboard to improve their COVID-19 response work.
Understanding the Effects of Gender-Based Violence Across Health Areas
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONThis blog post highlights the need to better understand the impact of gender-based violence across health areas, including family planning.
Know, Care, Do: A Theory of Change for Engaging Men and Boys in Family Planning
Breakthrough ACTION Spanish, French, English Male Engagement, Gender, Sexual and Reproductive Health Model/Framework Social and Structural Breakthrough ACTIONBreakthrough ACTION developed a theory of change to help family planning practitioners engage more effectively with men and boys.