SBC Flow Chart: Guyana Malaria Spotlight
Breakthrough ACTION English Latin America & the Caribbean, Guyana Malaria Success Story Integration Breakthrough ACTIONThis Spotlight provides an overview of how the SBC Flow Chart was applied to develop solutions to improve malaria outcomes among mining communities in Guyana.

SBC Flow Chart: Guinea Health Service Delivery Spotlight
Breakthrough ACTION English Guinea Service Delivery Success Story Integration Breakthrough ACTIONThis Spotlight describes how the SBC Flow Chart was applied to increase motivation, ability, and opportunities among community health agents to collaborate in Guinea.

Using a Behavioral Economics Approach for Family Planning
Breakthrough ACTION English, French Sexual and Reproductive Health Fact Sheet/Brief Behavioral Science Breakthrough ACTIONThis brief highlights opportunities and recommendations for using behavioral economics to influence positive family planning outcomes.

Leveraging Human-Centered Design for Family Planning
Breakthrough ACTION English, French Sexual and Reproductive Health Fact Sheet/Brief Human-centered Design Breakthrough ACTIONThis brief highlights opportunities and recommendations for using human-centered design (HCD) in family planning programs based on the existing evidence.

New Technical Briefs Highlight Opportunities and Recommendations for Behavioral Economics and Human-Centered Design in Family Planning
Breakthrough ACTION, BlogThis blog post introduces tools to help family planning social and behavior change practitioners use behavioral economics and human-centered design approaches.

We’re Laser-Focused on COVID-19 Vaccines but Vaccine Hesitancy Remains a Challenge
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONThis blog post discusses vaccine hesitancy and introduces tools to help social and behavior change practitioners address this challenge.

We Don’t Have to Be Experts in Everything: Integrating Social Norms into SBC
Breakthrough ACTION, BlogThis blog post introduces a set of tools to help social and behavior change practitioners better understand and integrate social norms into their work.

A Taxonomy for Social Norms that Influence Family Planning in Ouagadougou Partnership Countries
Breakthrough ACTION English, French Francophone West Africa Sexual and Reproductive Health Tool Social and Structural Breakthrough ACTIONThis taxonomy was developed to group similar family planning social norms identified in the Ouagadougou Partnership region of francophone West Africa.

Improving Family Planning Programming in Niger Through Gender Synchronized Approaches
Breakthrough ACTION English, French Francophone West Africa, Niger Sexual and Reproductive Health, Gender Fact Sheet/Brief, Report Breakthrough ACTIONThis report and report summary provide key gender recommendations and considerations for implementing partners of family planning programs in Niger.