An Indian woman harvesting flowers and talking on a phone In a field of marigoldsKuntal Kumar Roy/Photoshare

Press 1 for Yes, 2 for No. Using Interactive Voice Response for Social and Behavior Change Programs

This blog post describes how interactive voice response can reach populations with low literacy and internet use but have high mobile ownership.
It takes a village: A shared agenda for social and behavior change in family planning

Shared Agendas for Social and Behavior Change in Family Planning

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This page has tools to help galvanize global coordination in social and behavior change programs for family planning and inform SBC investment decisions.
Children eating as part of the Early Childhood Education and Development Program in IndonesiaErly Tatontos/World Bank/Flickr

Integrating SBC Across Sectors: Barriers, Enablers, and New Tools to Find Resources

This blog post introduces a web-based repository that helps social and behavior change (SBC) professionals locate current, relevant SBC resources.
Improved health outcomes: Before (SBC motivates clients to access services), during (SBC improves the client-provider interaction), and after services (SBC boosts adherence and maintenance)

Circle of Care Model

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The Circle of Care is a holistic model that shows how social and behavior change can be applied across the service continuum to improve health outcomes.
A family planning service provider in Nigeria records information into a records register© 2012 CCP/NURHI 2, Courtesy of Photoshare

New Social and Behavior Change Indicator Bank for Family Planning and Service Delivery

This blog post discusses the need for standardized indicators for measuring social and behavior change activities and introduces a handy indicator bank.
Zika implementing partners participate in a share fair to discuss community engagement in the USAID Zika responseK4Health

Breakthrough ACTION + RESEARCH Resources from the USAID Zika Response

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This blog post introduces a suite of tools to help social and behavior change practitioners identify priority behaviors when responding to epidemics like Zika.
Volunteers from the Red Cross in El Salvador engage in participatory trainings to strengthen their interpersonal communication skillsSean Maloney/Breakthough ACTION

Cutting through the confusion: Prioritizing behavioral messages and calls to action

This blog post describes how promoting a harmonized set of behaviors during epidemics like Zika improves the likelihood of behavior adoption.
Au Niger, une femme utilise un téléphone pour saisir des donnéesShani Turke/Photoshare

Faire progresser le champ des mesures pour le CSC

Par : Erin Portillo, Responsable de programme II, Breakthrough ACTION Mesurer adéquatement les déterminants sociaux et comportementaux est essentiel pour créer de puissants programmes de changement social et de comportement. Cependant, cette…
A woman in Niger uses a phone to enter dataShani Turke/Photoshare

Advancing the Field of Measurement for SBC

This blog post introduces a set of resources for social and behavior change (SBC) professionals interested in advancing the field of SBC measurement.