Finding Childhood TB Cases in Nigeria
Breakthrough ACTION English Nigeria Tuberculosis Video/Animation Social and Behavior Change Communication, Knowledge Management, Community Engagement Breakthrough ACTIONThis video shows how Breakthrough ACTION worked with partners in Nigeria to find missing tuberculosis cases among children.

The Insights 101 Playbook
Breakthrough ACTION English Tool, Technical Guide Human-centered Design, Integration Breakthrough ACTIONThis resource helps users identify, articulate, and incorporate insights into social and behavior change program designs.

Promoting Antenatal Care Attendance and Preventing Malaria through Compound Meetings in Nigeria
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONIn Nigeria, Breakthrough ACTION is using compound meetings to transform maternal health and malaria care mindsets and behaviors.

Advancing Inclusion of Sexual and Gender Minority Youth in FP and SRH Programs
Breakthrough ACTION French, English Sexual and Reproductive Health, Youth, Gender Webinar, Fact Sheet/Brief Social and Structural, Advocacy Breakthrough ACTIONThis brief describes seven ways family planning and sexual and reproductive health programs can include sexual and gender minority youth.

Shifting Narratives About Gender in Tanzania: Refining Roles for Men in Reproductive and Maternal Health
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONIn Tanzania, Breakthrough ACTION is improving reproductive and maternal health outcomes by engaging men and redefining gender roles.

Malaria Service Delivery Assessment Tool: Four Steps to Identify Challenges and Opportunities
Breakthrough ACTION Portuguese, English Kenya, Democratic Republic of the Congo Service Delivery, Provider Behavior Change, Malaria Tool Social and Structural, Monitoring and Evaluation, Human-centered Design Breakthrough ACTIONThis assessment tool helps malaria service providers apply a behavioral lens so they can better understand service delivery challenges.

Mothers Time Tool for Community Health Workers
Breakthrough ACTION English Ethiopia Service Delivery, Provider Behavior Change, Mental Health, Maternal and Child Health, Sexual and Reproductive Health Tool, Fact Sheet/Brief Social and Structural Breakthrough ACTIONThis tool helps community health workers better counsel postpartum women in low-resources settings, thus supporting their reproductive health intentions.

Strengthening Risk Communication and Community Engagement to Improve One Health in Liberia: A Technical Brief
Breakthrough ACTION English Liberia Global Health Security Fact Sheet/Brief Social and Behavior Change Communication, Community Engagement Breakthrough ACTIONThis brief covers achievements, insights, and best practices adopted to strengthen risk communication and community engagement efforts in Liberia.

Gender Equity Today for Youth (GET 4 Youth) Pilot Package
Breakthrough ACTION French, English Indonesia, Democratic Republic of the Congo Youth, Mental Health, Gender, Sexual and Reproductive Health Report, Video/Animation, Model/Framework, Implementation Guidance, Fact Sheet/Brief Social and Structural, Human-centered Design Breakthrough ACTIONThe Gender Equity Today for Youth (GET 4 Youth) Pilot Package aims to create a gender-equitable environment in which 10–14 year olds can grow and thrive.