Video still of an adult holding a toddler in NigeriaBreakthrough ACTION

Finding Childhood TB Cases in Nigeria

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This video shows how Breakthrough ACTION worked with partners in Nigeria to find missing tuberculosis cases among children.
Cover of the Insights 101 Playbook

The Insights 101 Playbook

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This resource helps users identify, articulate, and incorporate insights into social and behavior change program designs.
Compound meeting in NigeriaBreakthrough ACTION-Nigeria

Promoting Antenatal Care Attendance and Preventing Malaria through Compound Meetings in Nigeria

In Nigeria, Breakthrough ACTION is using compound meetings to transform maternal health and malaria care mindsets and behaviors.

Advancing Inclusion of Sexual and Gender Minority Youth in FP and SRH Programs

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This brief describes seven ways family planning and sexual and reproductive health programs can include sexual and gender minority youth.
Two young men drawing during an HCD workshop in TanzaniaBreakthrough ACTION Tanzania

Shifting Narratives About Gender in Tanzania: Refining Roles for Men in Reproductive and Maternal Health

In Tanzania, Breakthrough ACTION is improving reproductive and maternal health outcomes by engaging men and redefining gender roles.
Graphic of an African doctor with a mother holding a toddlerBreakthrough ACTION
Several Ethiopian women participate in a group conversation on family planningMaheder Haileselassie Tadese/Getty Images/Images of Empowerment

Mothers Time Tool for Community Health Workers

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This tool helps community health workers better counsel postpartum women in low-resources settings, thus supporting their reproductive health intentions.
A Liberian man holds a sign about rabies preventionBreakthrough ACTION Liberia
An Indonesian family sitting around a table playing a gameBreakthrough ACTION