Aligning Measures of Social and Behavior Change for Family Planning
Breakthrough RESEARCH, Breakthrough ACTION, BlogThis blog post shows why social and behavior change practitioners need to go beyond output-level indicators and introduces resources on measuring outcomes.
Malaria Behavior Survey
Breakthrough ACTION English, French Benin, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Kenya, Zambia, Tanzania, Malawi, Liberia, Sierra Leone Malaria Interactive, Toolkit, Website Monitoring and Evaluation Breakthrough ACTIONThis is a cross-sectional household survey of malaria-related behaviors and the factors that drive or inhibit them.
Assessing Impact: Do We Need to Break the Budget?
Breakthrough ACTION, BlogThis blog posts introduces tools to help social and behavior change practitioners conduct monitoring and evaluation activities in a cost-effective way.
Can Social Listening and Social Media Monitoring Benefit Your SBC Activities?
Breakthrough RESEARCH, BlogThis blog posts discusses ways family planning and reproductive health social and behavior change programs can use social media to gather information.
Social and Behavior Change Indicator Bank for Family Planning and Service Delivery
This family planning indicator bank is a collection of sample indicators specifically for use in social and behavior change programs.
Informing Social and Behavior Change Programs Using Social Listening and Social Monitoring
Breakthrough RESEARCH English, French Francophone West Africa, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Niger, Togo Sexual and Reproductive Health, Youth Fact Sheet/Brief Knowledge Management, Monitoring and Evaluation Breakthrough RESEARCHThis brief offers practical guidance and lessons learned about using social listening as a tool to inform social and behavior change programs.
New website highlights evidence for social and behavior change impact
Breakthrough ACTION, BlogThis blog post introduces a website for social and behavior change (SBC) practitioners seeking evidence on the impact of SBC in a variety of health areas.
Is Better Measurement the Key to Increased Investment in Social and Behavior Change for Family Planning in Francophone West Africa?
Breakthrough RESEARCH, BlogThis blog post discusses the need for investment in social and behavior change (SBC) measurement.
Providing Evidence to Inform Social and Behavior Change for Family Planning in Francophone West Africa
Breakthrough RESEARCH English, French Francophone West Africa, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Niger, Togo Sexual and Reproductive Health, Gender, Provider Behavior Change Fact Sheet/Brief Monitoring and Evaluation, Social and Behavior Change Communication Breakthrough RESEARCHThis suite of research activities look at SBC approaches to address behavioral determinants and improve family planning and reproductive health outcomes.