Compass for SBC “Spotlight” on Breakthrough RESEARCH
Blog, Breakthrough RESEARCHThis blog post introduces the Breakthrough RESEARCH Compass Spotlight showcasing Breakthrough RESEARCH's range of SBC research and evaluation products.

Using SMS and IVR Surveys During COVID-19
Breakthrough ACTION English COVID-19 Fact Sheet/Brief Monitoring and Evaluation Breakthrough ACTIONThis brief provides guidance for administering text message and interactive voice response-based surveys to collect information during COVID-19.

New Social and Behavior Change Indicator Bank for Family Planning and Service Delivery
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONThis blog post discusses the need for standardized indicators for measuring social and behavior change activities and introduces a handy indicator bank.

Faire progresser le champ des mesures pour le CSC
Breakthrough ACTION, BlogPar : Erin Portillo, Responsable de programme II, Breakthrough ACTION
Mesurer adéquatement les déterminants sociaux et comportementaux est essentiel pour créer de puissants programmes de changement social et de comportement. Cependant, cette…

Advancing the Field of Measurement for SBC
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONThis blog post introduces a set of resources for social and behavior change (SBC) professionals interested in advancing the field of SBC measurement.

Creating an Evidence-based Rationale for Investment in Social and Behavior Change Through Costing and Economic Evaluation
Breakthrough RESEARCH English Cost Effectiveness Monitoring and Evaluation Breakthrough RESEARCHThe page contains a body of evidence on the cost-effectiveness of social and behavior change activities for family planning outcomes.

Developing a Social and Behavior Change Research Agenda
Breakthrough RESEARCH French, English Provider Behavior Change Webinar, Presentation Slides, Fact Sheet/Brief Integration, Monitoring and Evaluation, Knowledge Management Breakthrough RESEARCHThis page contains resources to help social and behavior change (SBC) professionals understand provider behavior change and integrated SBC programming.

ITN Access and Use Report
This interactive site provides decision-makers with essential ITN indicators, focusing on ITN use and access, alongside country-specific determinants of ITN use, such as geographic location, demographics, and socio-economic factors.

Learning, Evaluating, and Adapting Social and Behavior Change Programming
Breakthrough RESEARCH English Zambia HIV, Sexual and Reproductive Health Fact Sheet/Brief Integration, Monitoring and Evaluation Breakthrough RESEARCHThis brief documents lessons for health professionals implementing multi-health, community-based social programs with integrated health services.