Video still of an adult holding a toddler in NigeriaBreakthrough ACTION

Finding Childhood TB Cases in Nigeria

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This video shows how Breakthrough ACTION worked with partners in Nigeria to find missing tuberculosis cases among children.
Cover of the Insights 101 Playbook

The Insights 101 Playbook

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This resource helps users identify, articulate, and incorporate insights into social and behavior change program designs.

Advancing Inclusion of Sexual and Gender Minority Youth in FP and SRH Programs

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This brief describes seven ways family planning and sexual and reproductive health programs can include sexual and gender minority youth.
Graphic of an African doctor with a mother holding a toddlerBreakthrough ACTION
Several Ethiopian women participate in a group conversation on family planningMaheder Haileselassie Tadese/Getty Images/Images of Empowerment

Mothers Time Tool for Community Health Workers

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This tool helps community health workers better counsel postpartum women in low-resources settings, thus supporting their reproductive health intentions.
A Liberian man holds a sign about rabies preventionBreakthrough ACTION Liberia
An Indonesian family sitting around a table playing a gameBreakthrough ACTION
A community health worker walks to see patients in CameroonPMI

Leveraging Ambassadors to Support COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake and Malaria Prevention: A Technical Brief

This brief explains how Breakthrough ACTION worked closely with influential individuals to act as trusted ambassadors to increase COVID-19 vaccine rates.
Empathways cover with a graphic of a parent and child

Family Empathways

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Ces cartes sont une activité conçue pour emmener les jeunes et leurs parents dans un voyage dynamique et engageant.