Male medicine vendor speaks with a young man in NigeriaBreakthrough ACTION-Nigeria
Four people work around a laptop in GuineaBreakthrough ACTION

Breakthrough ACTION Guinea Success Stories

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These success stories demonstrate Breakthrough ACTION’s positive impact on health and well-being of individuals and communities in Guinea.
Cover of the Women’s Empowerment Group Operational Guidelines

Women’s Empowerment Group Operational Guidelines

These operational guidelines provide step-by-step instructions on implementing the Women’s Empowerment Group model with a focus on health-related issues.
Two seated women in conversationImages of Empowerment/Getty Images
Cover of Using SBC to Foster Trust in SRH

Using SBC to Foster Trust in Sexual and Reproductive Health: Evidence Synthesis and Recommendations

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These reports give an overview of trust determinants and programmatic guidance on how to better foster trust in sexual and reproductive health programs.
A nurse midwife talks to a patient at a health center in IndiaPaula Bronstein/Getty Images/Images of Empowerment
Female service provider reviews FP/SR information with a young manBreakthrough ACTION

Resources and Opportunities to Support and Invest in SBC for FP/RH

These three resources can help you make the case with decision makers and service providers to invest in social and behavior change for family planning.
A university student participates in a co-design workshop in RwandaYagazie Emezi/Getty Images/Images of Empowerment

Applying Human-Centered Design to Improve Nutrition Programming Online Course

This course supports SBC programs by providing an overview of how to use human-centered design (HCD) to address nutrition-related behavioral challenges.
A pregnant woman receives a mosquito net at her prenatal visitPresident's Malaria Initiative/Flickr

Audience Segmentation for Malaria Online Course

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This course teaches how to encourage antimalarial acceptance and uptake by employing audience segmentation based on attitudes and behaviors of populations.