Programme Super goBreakthrough ACTION

Super Go Young Women’s HIV Prevention Program

The Super Go program is designed to reach adolescent girls and young women to provide information and teach skills to avoid HIV-related risk behaviors.
Super tata : guide de mise en œuvreBreakthrough ACTION

Super Tata Women’s HIV Prevention Program

Super Tata is a program intended for women ages 30 and over to raise awareness of the risk of contracting HIV and other sexually transmitted infections.
Couverture du manuel Frères pour la vieBreakthrough ACTION

Brothers for Life Men’s HIV Prevention Program

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Brothers for Life (Frères pour la vie) is a community health program that aims to reduce the rate of HIV infections among men by reducing risky behaviors.
mother feeding a child fruit

National Multisectoral Strategic Plan for Nutrition Communication in the DRC

This SBC plan outlines actions for addressing persistent malnutrition in the DRC, emphasizing coordinated advocacy and communication strategies.
African boy feeding ducks and chickens

Priority Zoonotic Diseases Message Guide

Breakthrough ACTION developed this message guide to contribute to preparedness and a harmonized response to major zoonotic disease epidemic outbreaks in Guinea.
Chaque dose de la SP vous protège contre la malariaBreakthrough ACTION

Materials to Promote Malaria Prevention and Treatment in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Breakthrough ACTION developed posters to encourage pregnant women to take preventive measures against malaria, such as completing antenatal care visits.
Father holds daughter as she gets the malaria vaccine from a male health care worker in the DRC

Materials to Promote the Malaria Vaccine in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Breakthrough ACTION developed posters, audiovisual spots, and banners for the launch of the R21/Matrix M malaria vaccine in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
A RECO interacting with community members in the DRCBreakthrough ACTION