A mother and her baby son smile in NigerUNICEF/Benedicte Kurzen
An expectant mother arrives at an ANC consultation with her young daughter and husbandSarah Hoibak/VectorWorks/Photoshare

Implication des hommes pour une planification familiale efficace au Togo

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Ce rapport et cette note d'information évaluent les avantages et la faisabilité de deux approches de communication sur le planning familial.
Children in Burkina FasoPhotoshare
A female health worker provides reproductive health and family planning counseling to a woman in SenegalJonathan Torgovnik/Getty Images/Images of Empowerment

Applying Segmentation to SBC in Family Planning Online Course

This Global Health e-Learning Center course teaches how to use audience segmentation results to improve family planning and reproductive health programs.
Women who are members of the Nairobi Young and Old cooperativeJonathan Torgovnik/Getty Images/Imagesof Empowerment

Integrating Gender into the COVID-19 Vaccine Response: A Technical Brief

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This brief provides recommendations on integrating gender perspective into COVID-19 risk community and community engagement response.
Age and social time graphicUSAID
Three round 1 cards from Empathways

Empathways Print Files

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These resources complement Empathways, a card activity designed to foster trust between family planning service providers and their young clients.
Provider Behavior Ecosystem Map website

Provider Behavior Ecosystem Map

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This tool helps family planning and reproductive health program designers think more holistically about provider behavior change.
Cover of Guide pratique : Intégrer les normes sociales dans les programmes de CSC