Traduction française ci-dessous
In Guinea, Breakthrough ACTION collaborates with government stakeholders, technical and financial partners, community leaders, technical working groups, committees, local NGOs, key influencers, and directly with individuals in the community to support the adoption of life-saving, essential healthy behaviors through multiple social and behavior change approaches. These success stories shine a spotlight on the lives of individuals and communities positively affected by Breakthrough ACTION’s work in Guinea.
- Advancing Community Leadership in the Fight against COVID-19: Breakthrough ACTION’s Outreach Campaign That Helped Communities Face Their Fears Head-on (Presentation)
- Advancing Community Leadership in the Fight against COVID-19: Breakthrough ACTION’s Outreach Campaign That Helped Communities Face Their Fears Head-on
- Battling COVID-19 Vaccine Misinformation Through Targeted Community Dialogues
Data-Driven Decisions
Maternal Health
Risk Communication and Community Engagement
- Towards Inclusion: Integrating Gender into Guinea’s Risk Communication and Community Engagement Activities
- Hidden Gems: How Outcome Harvesting Revealed Breakthrough ACTION’s Impact in Guinea
- 2021 Ebola Epidemic Response: Time Saved Equals Lives Saved
- Battling Health Emergencies Together: Collaboration Between Journalists and Public Health Professionals is the Key to Success
- Breakthrough ACTION Leads Risk Communication Training for Press Members
- Guinea’s Integrated Operational Action Plan Addresses Health Security Deficits and Improves Epidemic Preparedness
- Sharing Knowledge in the Midst of a Pandemic: Breakthrough ACTION Guinea Takes One Health Platforms Virtual
Histoires de réussite
En Guinée, Breakthrough ACTION collabore avec des acteurs gouvernementaux à tous les niveaux, des partenaires techniques et financiers, des leaders communautaires, des groupes de travail techniques, plateformes de coordination, des ONG locales, des personnes influentes et directement avec les individus au sien des communautés afin de soutenir l’adoption de comportements sains essentiels et susceptibles de sauver des vies, grâce à de multiples approches changement sociale et de comportement. Ces “histoires de réussite” mettent en lumière la vie des individus et des communautés positivement affectés par le travail de Breakthrough ACTION en Guinée.
- Combattre la désinformation sur le vaccin COVID-19 par le biais de dialogues communautaires ciblés
- Faire progresser le leadership communautaire dans la lutte contre la COVID-19