Identification des normes sociales ayant un impact sur la capacité des hommes à discuter de la planification familiale en RDC: Application de l’outil d’exploration des normes sociales (SNET)Breakthrough ACTION
Screenshot of a man being interviewed in a Côte d'Ivoire Merci Mon Hero videoBreakthrough ACTION
Graphic image of a computer

Breakthrough RESEARCH Legacy and Learning Series

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This page contains research and tools on provider behavior change, integrated social and behavior change (SBC), advancing SBC measurement, and costing SBC.
Cost Effectiveness
Age and social time graphicUSAID
SBC Flow Chart DRC

SBC Flow Chart: DRC Spotlight

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This Spotlight describes how SBC solutions were applied to increase use of health services and household family health practices in the DRC.
Malaria SBC Evidence Journal Club YouTube playlist

Malaria SBC Evidence Journal Club

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SBC practitioners from around the globe discussed articles about the impact of malaria SBC. The article, recordings, and discussion recaps are shared here.