Antenatal Care Client Segmentation Toolkit
Breakthrough ACTION English Malaria, Provider Behavior Change, Service Delivery Toolkit Audience Segmentation Breakthrough ACTIONThis toolkit helps malaria practitioners and implementing partners plan and integrate segmentation-based profiles into their existing work.

Segmenting Malaria Health Providers: A Technical Brief
Breakthrough ACTION English Malaria, Provider Behavior Change, Service Delivery Fact Sheet/Brief Audience Segmentation Breakthrough ACTIONThis brief explains how SBC practitioners can identify provider audience segments to improve the malaria case management journey.

SBC Learning Central
Breakthrough ACTION English, French Francophone West Africa COVID-19, Sexual and Reproductive Health, Gender, Malaria, Maternal and Child Health, Nutrition, Provider Behavior Change, Service Delivery Online Course, Toolkit, Website Audience Segmentation, Behavioral Science, Community Engagement, Human-centered Design, Monitoring and Evaluation, Social and Behavior Change Communication, Social and Structural Breakthrough ACTIONSBC Learning Central offers free online courses to help public health professionals incorporate proven and innovative SBC methodologies into their work.

Using Social and Behavior Change to Strengthen Self-Care for Sexual and Reproductive Health
Breakthrough ACTION English Sexual and Reproductive Health, Provider Behavior Change, Service Delivery Fact Sheet/Brief Audience Segmentation, Community Engagement, Human-centered Design Breakthrough ACTIONThis brief outlines how self-care practitioners can use proven and emergent social and behavior change approaches to enhance self-care efforts.

Introduction to Social and Behavior Change Online Course
Breakthrough ACTION French Francophone West Africa Sexual and Reproductive Health, Gender Online Course Audience Segmentation, Behavioral Science, Community Engagement, Human-centered Design, Social and Behavior Change Communication, Social and Structural Breakthrough ACTIONCe cours décrit comment les activités de changement social et de comportement améliorent l'efficacité des programmes de santé.

Breakthrough RESEARCH Legacy Area: Advancing Social and Behavior Change Measurement
Breakthrough RESEARCH English, French Fact Sheet/Brief, Peer-reviewed, Report, Video/Animation Audience Segmentation, Monitoring and Evaluation Breakthrough RESEARCHSocial and behavior change professionals can use these resources to measure and assess the effectiveness of their activities.

Applying Segmentation to SBC in Family Planning Online Course
Breakthrough ACTION English, French Sexual and Reproductive Health Online Course Audience Segmentation Breakthrough ACTIONThis Global Health e-Learning Center course teaches how to use audience segmentation results to improve family planning and reproductive health programs.

Seeking Breakthroughs in SBC at the Intersection of Family Planning and Intimate Partner Violence – Expert Consultation Materials
Breakthrough ACTION English, French Bangladesh, Ghana, Kenya Sexual and Reproductive Health, Gender Fact Sheet/Brief, Interactive, Presentation Slides, Webinar, Website Audience Segmentation, Behavioral Science, Human-centered Design Breakthrough ACTIONBreakthrough ACTION hosted an expert consultation on intimate partner violence and family planning. This page hosts downloadable presentations and research.

Evaluating the Impacts of Cross-sectoral Social and Behavior Change in Sahel/RISE II
Breakthrough RESEARCH English, French Francophone West Africa, Burkina Faso, Niger Cost Effectiveness, Sexual and Reproductive Health, Maternal and Child Health, WASH Fact Sheet/Brief, Report Audience Segmentation, Monitoring and Evaluation, Integration Breakthrough RESEARCHThese resources discuss research to assess successes and challenges of integrated social and behavior change programming in a climate-stressed setting.