Audience Segmentation for Vaccination Toolkit
Breakthrough ACTION English, French Francophone West Africa COVID-19 Toolkit Audience Segmentation Breakthrough ACTIONThis toolkit teaches how to encourage vaccine acceptance and uptake by employing segmentation based on attitudes and behaviors of the intended audience.

Rumor Tracking and Infodemic Management in Public Health Emergencies Online Course
Breakthrough ACTION English, French Francophone West Africa COVID-19, Global Health Security Online Course Community Engagement Breakthrough ACTIONThis course helps risk communication and community engagement programs manage rumors and misinformation during health emergencies.

Gender Analysis for Vaccine Response: Toolkit for Risk Communication and Community Engagement Actors
Breakthrough ACTION English, French COVID-19, Gender, Service Delivery Toolkit, Video/Animation Community Engagement, Social and Structural Breakthrough ACTIONThis toolkit helps risk communication and community engagement actors develop, implement, and monitor gender-equitable vaccine responses.

West Africa Breakthrough ACTION Experiences
Breakthrough ACTION English, French Francophone West Africa, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Niger, Togo COVID-19, Sexual and Reproductive Health, Provider Behavior Change, Service Delivery Fact Sheet/Brief Community Engagement, Social and Behavior Change Communication Breakthrough ACTIONThis technical brief highlights promising, proven, and innovative approaches Breakthrough ACTION used in West Africa to improve family planning outcomes.

SBC Learning Central
Breakthrough ACTION English, French Francophone West Africa COVID-19, Sexual and Reproductive Health, Gender, Malaria, Maternal and Child Health, Nutrition, Provider Behavior Change, Service Delivery Online Course, Toolkit, Website Audience Segmentation, Behavioral Science, Community Engagement, Human-centered Design, Monitoring and Evaluation, Social and Behavior Change Communication, Social and Structural Breakthrough ACTIONSBC Learning Central offers free online courses to help public health professionals incorporate proven and innovative SBC methodologies into their work.

How Theory-Based Programming Can Drive COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake
Breakthrough ACTION English Nigeria COVID-19 Fact Sheet/Brief Breakthrough ACTIONBreakthrough ACTION applied the World Health Organization’s Confidence, Complacency, and Convenience Model to achieve COVID-19 related behavior change.

Closing the COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake Gap Among Health Workers in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
Breakthrough ACTION English, French COVID-19, Provider Behavior Change, Service Delivery Fact Sheet/Brief, Webinar Behavioral Science Breakthrough ACTIONThis brief synthesizes insights from global experts on ways to close the COVID-19 vaccine gap among health workers in low-and middle-income countries.

Adapting Social and Behavior Change Programming for Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health in Nigeria During COVID-19
Breakthrough ACTION English Nigeria COVID-19, Maternal and Child Health Case Study Breakthrough ACTIONThis case study describes how Breakthrough ACTION worked with partners to adapt maternal, newborn, and child health programming to overcome COVID-19 challenges.

COVID Behavior Dashboard Reports
Breakthrough ACTION English Bangladesh, Burma, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Guinea, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, Nepal, South Africa, Philippines, Senegal, Mali, Guatemala, Honduras, Pakistan, Vietnam COVID-19 Report Breakthrough ACTIONThis page contains links to monthly reports from January to August 2022 on the results of the COVID-19 Trends and Impact Survey for 21 countries.