A Nigerian family in Alkaleri LGA of Bauchi StateNura Bashir Faggo/Breakthrough ACTION Nigeria

Promoting Healthy Nutrition Behaviors Through Community Mobilization in Rural Nigeria

Breakthrough ACTION worked with community health workers to promote healthy nutrition behaviors in Nigeria.
People wearing face masks waiting inside an auditorium to get the COVID-19 vaccine for freeSuprabhat Dutta/iStock
A male community health volunteer in Madagascar enters health data through a mobile applicationSamy Rakotoniaina/MSH/PMI

Segmenting Malaria Health Providers: A Technical Brief

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This brief explains how SBC practitioners can identify provider audience segments to improve the malaria case management journey.
A female emergency transport driverBreakthrough ACTION-Nigeria

Nigeria Ward Development Committees Drive Community Action by Helping Women Get to Health Services

Breakthrough ACTION’s work enabled a community emergency system to transport thousands of women to facilities for antenatal care and child delivery.
The IPT show being conducted in BangladeshBreakthrough ACTION

Lights, Camera, Vaccination: The Impact of Interactive Theater in Reaching the Unreached

In Bangladesh, Breakthrough ACTION used interactive theater to bring COVID-19 vaccine messages to thousands of people in rural and other hard-to-reach areas.
People working together at a computerDeola Lanre-Ologun/Unsplash

Virtual Coaching for Malaria Social and Behavior Change Monitoring and Evaluation

Breakthrough ACTION held virtual coaching sessions to help social and behavior change (SBC) practitioners plan and monitor malaria SBC activities.
Nigerian mother holding her baby sonNura Bashir Fagg/Breakthrough ACTION Nigeria

Breakthrough ACTION Nigeria Success Stories

This page documents the successes of Breakthrough ACTION’s work to improve health outcomes in Nigeria through social and behavior change.
Breakthrough ACTION program officer works on a laptop in NigeriaBreakthrough ACTION-Nigeria

The power of geospatial mapping to increase COVID-19 vaccinations

Breakthrough ACTION collaborated with Nigeria’s Kebbi State Government to use geospatial mapping to help increase COVID-19 vaccination rates.