Création d’un espace pour l’innovation et la collaboration entre les professionnels du changement social et comportemental francophones
Breakthrough ACTION, BlogBreakthrough ACTION a créé un espace de collaboration pour les praticiens francophones du changement social et comportemental lors du Sommet SBCC 2022.
The Road to Equity in Family Planning: Incorporating the Social Determinants of Health
Breakthrough ACTION English Sexual and Reproductive Health Fact Sheet/Brief Social and Structural Breakthrough ACTIONThis brief features recommendations for shaping social and behavior change programming to address social determinants of health in family planning.
SBC Checklist to Develop and Assess Costed Implementation Plans for Demand Creation
Breakthrough ACTION French, English Sexual and Reproductive Health Implementation Guidance Monitoring and Evaluation, Knowledge Management Breakthrough ACTIONThis checklist can guide teams through the process of developing a costed implementation plan and help them determine if their activities are on track.
Creating a Space for Innovation and Collaboration Among French-Speaking Social and Behavior Change Professionals
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONBreakthrough ACTION created a space for francophone social and behavior change practitioners to collaborate during the 2022 SBCC Summit.
How Theory-Based Programming Can Drive COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake
Breakthrough ACTION English Nigeria COVID-19 Fact Sheet/Brief Breakthrough ACTIONBreakthrough ACTION applied the World Health Organization’s Confidence, Complacency, and Convenience Model to achieve COVID-19 related behavior change.
Eight Principles for Strengthening Public Sector Social and Behavior Change Capacity
Breakthrough ACTION English Fact Sheet/Brief Social and Behavior Change Communication Breakthrough ACTIONThis brief explores eight principles for strengthening public sector social and behavior change capacity and highlights relevant strategies and considerations.
Social and Behavior Change Guidance for Anopheles stephensi in Africa
Breakthrough ACTION English Malaria Fact Sheet/Brief Breakthrough ACTIONThis brief provides guidance on individual-, household-, and community-level malaria behaviors to support An. stephensi mitigation and control in Africa.
Building Trust and Empathy Around COVID-19 in Nigeria: What Have We Learned?
Breakthrough ACTION, BlogBreakthrough ACTION shares five lessons learned through its efforts to strengthen Nigerian community health workers’ capacity to respond to COVID-19.
Facing Malaria, the “Perennial Monster,” Through Faith and Community
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONIn Malawi, Breakthrough ACTION worked with community and faith leaders to develop and deliver messages that promote lifesaving malaria prevention behaviors.