Woman and boy in front of a banner

Introducing the SBC Flow Chart

This blog post introduces a tool that help social and behavior change practitioners design integrated programs that address intractable health challenges.
SBC Flow Chart DRC

SBC Flow Chart: DRC Spotlight

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This Spotlight describes how SBC solutions were applied to increase use of health services and household family health practices in the DRC.
A group is engaged by a community leader in ZambiaUSAID

Malaria SBC Toolkit for Community and Faith Leaders

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This free online toolkit has resources to help users integrate an organization’s existing strengths, connections, and activities with key malaria resources that can save lives.
Malaria SBC Evidence Journal Club YouTube playlist

Malaria SBC Evidence Journal Club

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SBC practitioners from around the globe discussed articles about the impact of malaria SBC. The article, recordings, and discussion recaps are shared here.
Person using the KAP COVID Dashboard on a laptopJohns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Using the KAP COVID Dashboards to Convince the Vaccine Hesitant

This blog post introduces a dashboard public health practitioners can use to increase vaccine acceptance levels and reduce vaccination hesitancy.
Homepage of the COVID-19 Communication Network

COVID-19 Communication Network

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Essential, evidence-informed tools and resources to help health and development professionals use SBC communication to address the COVID-19 pandemic.
Homepage of the Synthesized Guidance for COVID-19 Message Development website

Synthesized Guidance for COVID-19 Message Development

This is a curated guide of recommendations from the WHO, the CDC, and other trusted sources with source links, organized into six broad audience categories.
Cover of the Real-Time Rumor Tracking for COVID-19: System Design and Implementation Guide

Real-Time Rumor Tracking for COVID-19: System Design and Implementation Guide

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This document will help humanitarian, public health organizations, and national governments seeking to document rumors in a systematic and dynamic fashion.
An adolescent on a mobile device in TanzaniaRiaz Jahanpour/USAID Tanzania/Flickr

Virtual Pretesting During COVID-19

This technical brief presents workarounds—tips and tricks to use digital platforms—to conduct pretests virtually.