Is Better Measurement the Key to Increased Investment in Social and Behavior Change for Family Planning in Francophone West Africa?
Breakthrough RESEARCH, BlogThis blog post discusses the need for investment in social and behavior change (SBC) measurement.

Generating Evidence to Inform Integrated Social and Behavior Change Programming in Nigeria
Breakthrough RESEARCH English Nigeria Sexual and Reproductive Health, Gender, Maternal and Child Health, Youth Fact Sheet/Brief, Peer-reviewed, Presentation Slides, Report, Webinar Integration Breakthrough RESEARCHThis series of briefs, webinars, and slide decks discuss results will help to improve the delivery of integrated SBC programming across health areas and behaviors.

Examining Provider Behavior Change Opportunities
Breakthrough RESEARCH English Provider Behavior Change Literature Review, Presentation Slides Behavioral Science Breakthrough RESEARCHThis paper reviews evidence on the promise of behavioral economics to improve outcomes through provider-facing interventions in five critical health areas.

Gender Integration in Social and Behavior Change: What does it take?
Breakthrough RESEARCH English Gender Fact Sheet/Brief, Report Integration Breakthrough RESEARCHThe report and accompanying brief highlight eight promising practices for integrating gender considerations in social and behavior change interventions.

Providing Evidence to Inform Social and Behavior Change for Family Planning in Francophone West Africa
Breakthrough RESEARCH English, French Francophone West Africa, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Niger, Togo Sexual and Reproductive Health, Gender, Provider Behavior Change Fact Sheet/Brief Monitoring and Evaluation, Social and Behavior Change Communication Breakthrough RESEARCHThis suite of research activities look at SBC approaches to address behavioral determinants and improve family planning and reproductive health outcomes.

Compass for SBC “Spotlight” on Breakthrough RESEARCH
Breakthrough RESEARCH, BlogThis blog post introduces the Breakthrough RESEARCH Compass Spotlight showcasing Breakthrough RESEARCH's range of SBC research and evaluation products.

Social and Behavior Change Research Spotlights
Breakthrough RESEARCH English, French Burkina Faso, India, Tanzania, Pakistan Maternal and Child Health, Provider Behavior Change Fact Sheet/Brief, Presentation Slides, Webinar, Website Audience Segmentation, Integration Breakthrough RESEARCHThese research spotlights highlight how three SBC initiatives are filling priority evidence gaps for integrated SBC and PBC programming.

Exploring Pathways to Social and Behavior Change Impact
Breakthrough RESEARCH English Cost Effectiveness, Sexual and Reproductive Health Interactive, Website Social and Behavior Change Communication Breakthrough RESEARCHThis graphic can be used to advocate for increased investments in SBC and to start conversations about the need to prioritize SBC investments.

Reflections from the CORE Group Conference: How Does Breakthrough RESEARCH’s Work Respond to Practitioner Priorities?
Breakthrough RESEARCH, BlogThe blog post discusses three priorities that surfaced during a conference for health practitioners on the frontlines during discussions of community health.