Young mothers receive family planning information from a female community health worker in UgandaJonathan Torgovnik/Getty Images/Images of Empowerment

Increasing Investment in SBC for FP/RH

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This brief presents findings on behavioral barriers to increased investment in social and behavior change for family planning and reproductive health.
A male community health volunteer in Madagascar enters health data through a mobile applicationSamy Rakotoniaina/MSH/PMI

Segmenting Malaria Health Providers: A Technical Brief

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This brief explains how SBC practitioners can identify provider audience segments to improve the malaria case management journey.
Community members gather to pilot a new family planning counseling tool in NigerAmadou Oumarou
Four young adults gather around a poster board covered in post-it notes
Screenshot of Empathways homepage

Strengthening Social Accountability to Improve Reproductive Health and Family Planning Services

This brief documents Breakthrough ACTION learnings from its work to strengthen social accountability in reproductive health and family planning services in West Africa.
Six female primary health care workers in IndiaUSAID
A community volunteer poses outside her grocery store in IndiaMansi Midha/Getty Images/Images of Empowerment
Graphic of several people of different ages standing by a road

The Road to Equity in Family Planning: Incorporating the Social Determinants of Health

This brief features recommendations for shaping social and behavior change programming to address social determinants of health in family planning.