Behavioral Barriers and Solutions for Child Feeding During and After Illness
Breakthrough ACTION French, English Democratic Republic of the Congo Provider Behavior Change, Nutrition, Maternal and Child Health Webinar, Fact Sheet/Brief Behavioral Science Breakthrough ACTIONThese brief summarizes results from research on behavioral barriers to child feeding after illness and suggests potential solutions.
Using Digital Technologies in Youth-Focused SBC Programs for FP/RH
Breakthrough ACTION French, English Youth, Sexual and Reproductive Health Video/Animation, Fact Sheet/Brief Digital Breakthrough ACTIONThis brief and accompanying videos describe five recommendations family planning programs can adopt when using digital technologies to reach youths.
Reproductive Health Innovation Exchange
Breakthrough ACTION French, English Youth, Provider Behavior Change, Maternal and Child Health, HIV, Sexual and Reproductive Health Video/Animation, Fact Sheet/Brief Behavioral Science Breakthrough ACTIONThis page features factsheets and videos about 16 innovative applications of social and behavior change approaches for family planning and reproductive health.
Intentionally Incorporating the Social Determinants of Health into Social and Behavior Change Programming for Family Planning
Breakthrough ACTION French, English Sexual and Reproductive Health Fact Sheet/Brief Social and Structural Breakthrough ACTIONThis brief provides guidance for strategic decision making in support of social and behavior change initiatives to reduce inequities in family planning.
A Socio-Ecological Model of Communication for Social and Behavioral Change
Breakthrough ACTION English Fact Sheet/Brief Social and Behavior Change Communication Breakthrough ACTIONThe socio-ecological model of communication reflects a systems approach. This brief describes the benefits of this model for social and behavior change.
Integrating Gender into the COVID-19 Vaccine Response: A Technical Brief
Breakthrough ACTION Spanish, French, English Gender, COVID-19 Fact Sheet/Brief Community Engagement Breakthrough ACTIONThis brief provides recommendations on integrating gender perspective into COVID-19 risk community and community engagement response.
Seeking Breakthroughs in SBC at the Intersection of Family Planning and Intimate Partner Violence – Expert Consultation Materials
Breakthrough ACTION French, English Bangladesh, Kenya, Ghana Gender, Sexual and Reproductive Health Website, Webinar, Presentation Slides, Interactive, Fact Sheet/Brief Behavioral Science, Human-centered Design, Audience Segmentation Breakthrough ACTIONBreakthrough ACTION hosted an expert consultation on intimate partner violence and family planning. This page hosts downloadable presentations and research.
Provider Behavior Ecosystem Map
Breakthrough ACTION French, English Sexual and Reproductive Health, Provider Behavior Change Website, Video/Animation, Tool, Implementation Guidance, Fact Sheet/Brief Breakthrough ACTIONThis tool helps family planning and reproductive health program designers think more holistically about provider behavior change.
Advancing Postpartum Hemorrhage Care (APPHC)
Breakthrough RESEARCH English Madagascar, Malawi Provider Behavior Change, Maternal and Child Health Fact Sheet/Brief Breakthrough RESEARCHThese resources describe efforts to generate and test solutions that address key barriers to postpartum hemorrhage prevention, detection, and treatment.