The Reproductive Health Innovation Exchange highlighted 16 interactive solutions that use social and behavior change to improve reproductive health service delivery.

The Exchange provided opportunities to discover innovations, coordinate with partners, spark creativity, and discuss practical applications and adaptations of impactful social and behavior change approaches for family planning and reproductive health service delivery.

Featured Innovations

Behavioral and Digital Tools to Prevent Teenage Pregnancy [factsheet (English | French) | video]

Behavioral Tools for Providers to Promote Birth Spacing [factsheet (English | French) | video]

Club Courage for Midwives: Building Resiliency through Peer Support [factsheet (English | French) | video]

Empathways: Building Empathy into Youth Family Planning Services [factsheet (English | French)video]

Gamified Family Planning Counseling Tools to Promote Meaningful Choice [factsheet (English | French) | video]

Growing Up: Film-Based Interactive Learning [factsheet (English | French) | video (English | French)]

Integrating Family Planning and Immunization Services [factsheet (English | French) | video (English | French)]

La Chance: Interactive Game for Girls to Take Control of Their Reproductive Futures [factsheet (English | French) | video (English | French)]

Ma’ana Fe Al-Dawar: Community Plays for FP Conversations [factsheet (English | French) | video]

MobiSAfAIDS App for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Advocacy [factsheet (English | French) | video]

Nivi: The Digital Health Marketplace [factsheet (English | French) | video]

Provider Behavior Change: A Toolkit [factsheet (English | French) | video]

Resources to Confront the Concerns of Long-Acting Reversible Contraception Users [factsheet (English | French) | video (English | French)]

Together We Decide: Interactive Game for Male Engagement in Family Planning [factsheet (English | French) | video]

Tradgame 4 Adolescents and Young Women: Family Planning and Sexual and Reproductive Health [factsheet (English | French) | video]

ZanaAfrica’s Nia Program: Sexual and Reproductive Health and Life Skills Education through Comics and Magazines [factsheet (English | French) | video (English | French]



If you would like to learn more about the Reproductive Health Innovation Exchange, contact Ely McElwee. If you have questions about a specific innovation, please reach out to the contact(s) listed in each innovation factsheet.