An Indian coupleVespia, M., 2017

From Vision to Action: Guidance for Implementing the Circle of Care Model

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This resource provides guidance for implementing the Circle of Care Model and developing social and behavior change for service delivery initiatives.
Cover art for Tested Solutions for Quality FP CounselingJonathan Torgovnik/Getty Images/Images of Empowerment

Encouraging Family Planning Counseling That Promotes Meaningful Choice

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This is a package of evidence-based, low-cost SBC solutions that improve the quality of family planning counseling for postpartum women.
Improved health outcomes: Before (SBC motivates clients to access services), during (SBC improves the client-provider interaction), and after services (SBC boosts adherence and maintenance)

Circle of Care Model

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The Circle of Care is a holistic model that shows how social and behavior change can be applied across the service continuum to improve health outcomes.