A malaria SBC specialist interviews a man in Liberia

Breakthrough ACTION Liberia Newsletter

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This page contains newsletters prepared by Breakthrough ACTION-Liberia to update stakeholders on activities in a variety of health areas.
SBC Flow Chart DRC

SBC Flow Chart: DRC Spotlight

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This Spotlight describes how SBC solutions were applied to increase use of health services and household family health practices in the DRC.
Children in Burkina FasoPhotoshare
A health care provider and a man in a pharmacy in NigeriaBreakthrough ACTION-Nigeria

SBC Flow Chart: Nigeria Tuberculosis Spotlight

This Spotlight provides an overview of how the SBC Flow Chart was applied to develop solutions to address the low TB case detection rate in Nigeria.
Meeting to discuss maternal, newborn, and child health and nutrition in northern NigeriaBreakthrough ACTION-Nigeria

SBC Flow Chart: Nigeria MNCH+N Spotlight

This Spotlight provides an overview of how the SBC Flow Chart was applied to develop maternal, newborn, child health, and nutrition solutions in Nigeria.
A health care provider tests a young child for malariaBreakthrough ACTION-Nigeria

SBC Flow Chart: Nigeria Malaria Spotlight

This Spotlight provides an overview of how the SBC Flow Chart was applied in solutions to increase providers’ trust in malaria tests.
A woman outdoors near tubs of liquid in Jamaica

SBC Flow Chart: Jamaica Mosquito Control Spotlight

This Spotlight provides an overview of how the SBC Flow Chart was applied to develop mosquito control solutions in Jamaica, including a spatial repellent.
Mining in Guyana

SBC Flow Chart: Guyana Malaria Spotlight

This Spotlight provides an overview of how the SBC Flow Chart was applied to develop solutions to improve malaria outcomes among mining communities in Guyana.