Woman carrying a baby in a sling on her back

Advancing Postpartum Hemorrhage Care Approach in Madagascar

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The research briefs and a research article on this page describe the development of solutions to prevent, detect, and treat postpartum hemorrhage in Madagascar.
Thumbnail of two infographics

Assessing Current Practices and Behavioral Determinants of Health Outcomes Among Women in Northern Nigeria

This page contains three infographics summarizing the results of research on health practices and behavioral determinants of health outcomes in Nigeria.
Nigerian mother holding babyAdrian Brooks/Photoshare
Two providers live prototyping at YLabsYLabs
A group of women, including expectant mothers, meet outside in NepalUSAID/Flickr

Systematic Review of Behavioral Attributes

This brief examines nine behavioral attributes and describes four attributes that apply broadly to enhancing social and behavior programming.
Provider and mother smile at newborn babyKatyesi Media