Elevating Social and Behavior Change as an Essential Component of Family Planning Programs
Breakthrough ACTION English Sexual and Reproductive Health Peer-reviewed Advocacy Breakthrough ACTIONExamine and use the data in this article to advocate for the use of social and behavior change approaches in your family planning programs.

“Ding!” The Power of Social Media and Behavior Change
Breakthrough ACTION, BlogThe Compass website contains tools to help social and behavior change practitioners leverage social media to improve program outcomes.

Integrating Gender into the COVID-19 Vaccine Response: A Technical Brief
Breakthrough ACTION English, French, Spanish COVID-19, Gender Fact Sheet/Brief Community Engagement Breakthrough ACTIONThis brief provides recommendations on integrating gender perspective into COVID-19 risk community and community engagement response.

MULTI-SBC: Programmatic Aid for Multisectoral Integration of Social and Behavior Change Programming
Breakthrough ACTIONA Compass web page has tools family planning social and behavior change practitioners can use to help them integrate their programs with new sectors.

Malaria Social and Behavior Change During COVID-19 Case Studies
Breakthrough ACTION, BlogThese case studies show how Breakthrough ACTION and other creative programs re-strategized to overcome COVID-19 limitations on malaria prevention and treatment.

The Dangers of Misinformation and Rumors During Health Emergencies
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONThe Compass website has tools health professionals can use to address harmful rumors and misinformation during health emergencies.

Seeking Breakthroughs in SBC at the Intersection of Family Planning and Intimate Partner Violence – Expert Consultation Materials
Breakthrough ACTION English, French Bangladesh, Ghana, Kenya Sexual and Reproductive Health, Gender Fact Sheet/Brief, Interactive, Presentation Slides, Webinar, Website Audience Segmentation, Behavioral Science, Human-centered Design Breakthrough ACTIONBreakthrough ACTION hosted an expert consultation on intimate partner violence and family planning. This page hosts downloadable presentations and research.

Le temps gagné équivaut à des vies sauvées
Breakthrough ACTION, BlogCet article de blog décrit comment Breakthrough ACTION a mobilisé les parties prenantes lors de l'épidémie d'Ebola de 2021 en Guinée.

Voix des premières lignes : Breakthrough ACTION répond à l’Ebola en Guinée
Breakthrough ACTION, BlogDans cette interview, les membres de l'équipe de réponse à Ebola de Breakthrough ACTION en Guinée partagent leurs expériences de réponse à l'urgence.