Healthcare worker showing a Breakthrough ACTION tool on complementary feeding of a child who is sick to a mother.

Haut Katanga Integrated Provincial Communication Plan for Social and Behavior Change

This communication plan sets clear guidelines to coordinate the efforts of all partners involved in community-based health initiatives in Haut Katanga, DRC.
A dog being vaccinated in the DRC

Democratic Republic of the Congo National Multi-Sectoral RCCE Plan

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This plan serves as a blueprint for collaborative action to identify gaps, prioritize global health security needs, and coordinate efforts effectively.
Stratégie nationale de changement social et de comportement, 2024-2028Breakthrough ACTION

Democratic Republic of the Congo National Malaria Social and Behavior Change Strategy

This SBC strategy for malaria in the DRC incorporates key insights from Breakthrough ACTION’s malaria research studies and updated priority health messages.
Three African girls walking home from school
Adolescent girl in a classroom in the DRC
Officials walking in the DRC
Behind-the-scenes shot from Drôle de Marché, a francophone mini-series modeling bird flu and rabies.Cori Fordham/Breakthrough ACTION
21 déterminants comportementaux et structurels dan la lutte contre la tuberculose
At a clinic in Kingabwa, Francine has her blood pressure taken before receiving her contraceptive method of choice, an implant. She is a participant in a local program organized by Action Humanitaire pour le Développement Durable Intégral Congolais (Humanitarian Action for Congolese Sustainable Development) and supported by le Fonds pour les Femmes Congolaises (The Fund for Congolese Women).Getty Images/Images of Empowerment

The Caregiver-Client Relationship Course

This course equips medical and nursing students with vital communication skills to enhance caregiver-client trust and health care outcomes.