Haut Katanga Integrated Provincial Communication Plan for Social and Behavior Change
French Democratic Republic of the Congo Service Delivery Strategy Social and Structural, Social and Behavior Change Communication Breakthrough ACTIONThis communication plan sets clear guidelines to coordinate the efforts of all partners involved in community-based health initiatives in Haut Katanga, DRC.
Democratic Republic of the Congo National Multi-Sectoral RCCE Plan
French Democratic Republic of the Congo Global Health Security Strategy Social and Behavior Change Communication, Social and Structural, Community Engagement Breakthrough ACTIONThis plan serves as a blueprint for collaborative action to identify gaps, prioritize global health security needs, and coordinate efforts effectively.
Democratic Republic of the Congo National Malaria Social and Behavior Change Strategy
French Democratic Republic of the Congo Malaria Strategy Social and Behavior Change Communication, Advocacy Breakthrough ACTIONThis SBC strategy for malaria in the DRC incorporates key insights from Breakthrough ACTION’s malaria research studies and updated priority health messages.
Democratic Republic of the Congo Menstrual Health and Hygiene National Strategic Communication Plan
French Democratic Republic of the Congo Sexual and Reproductive Health, Youth Strategy Social and Structural, Social and Behavior Change Communication, Advocacy Breakthrough ACTIONThis SBC communication plan addresses socio-economic, cultural, and infrastructural barriers to improving menstrual hygiene management in the DRC.
Menstrual Health Promotion Materials in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
French Democratic Republic of the Congo Youth, Sexual and Reproductive Health Toolkit, Implementation Guidance Social and Behavior Change Communication, Community Engagement Breakthrough ACTIONBreakthrough ACTION developed several SBC menstrual health resources, including a message guide and posters, which are the first of their kind in the DRC.
Democratic Republic of the Congo National Malaria Advocacy and Resource Mobilization Strategy
French Democratic Republic of the Congo Malaria Tool, Technical Guide, Implementation Guidance Advocacy Breakthrough ACTIONBreakthrough ACTION developed this blueprint to advance malaria control in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Facilitating Multisectoral Preparedness and Response in Francophone Africa
English Mali, Senegal, Guinea, Niger, Côte d’Ivoire, Cameroon, Francophone West Africa, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Benin Global Health Security, COVID-19 Case Study Social and Behavior Change Communication, Knowledge Management, Digital, Community Engagement Breakthrough ACTIONThis case study describes peer-to-peer learning and capacity building exchanges among One Health practitioners in francophone Africa.
Social and Behavioral Determinants Related to Tuberculosis in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
French, English Democratic Republic of the Congo Tuberculosis Report Social and Structural, Social and Behavior Change Communication, Digital, Community Engagement Breakthrough ACTIONThis report summarizes the behavioral determinants related to TB case detection and notification in the DRC.
The Caregiver-Client Relationship Course
French Democratic Republic of the Congo Provider Behavior Change Technical Guide, Tool Social and Behavior Change Communication Breakthrough ACTIONThis course equips medical and nursing students with vital communication skills to enhance caregiver-client trust and health care outcomes.