Cover image from Ebonyi’s Traditional and Religious Leaders Speak Out to Improve Maternal and Child Health

Ebonyi’s Traditional and Religious Leaders Speak Out to Improve Maternal and Child Health

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This case study describes how Breakthrough ACTION worked with religious and traditional leaders to improve maternal, newborn, and child health and nutrition.
Nigerian mother holding her baby sonNura Bashir Fagg/Breakthrough ACTION Nigeria

Breakthrough ACTION Nigeria Success Stories

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This page documents the successes of Breakthrough ACTION’s work to improve health outcomes in Nigeria through social and behavior change.
Engaging men and boys

Know, Care, Do: Case Studies

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A set of five case studies showcase how a male engagement theory of change can be applied to improve health outcomes across diverse country contexts.
Nourishing Connections CHW job aid and supporting tools

Nutrition Job Aid for Community Health Workers

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This set of tools, which includes an easy-to-use job aid, helps community health workers provide more empathetic nutrition counseling.
A group photo of people wearing face masks celebratingRamatu Ada/Breakthrough ACTION-Nigeria

How Theory-Based Programming Can Drive COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake

Breakthrough ACTION applied the World Health Organization’s Confidence, Complacency, and Convenience Model to achieve COVID-19 related behavior change.
Several people of different ages

Nigeria Life Stage Flipchart

Breakthrough ACTION developed a flipchart community volunteers can use to facilitate conversations about family planning throughout every life stage.
Cover of case study on TB case notifications in Nigeria

The Role of SBC on the Increase in Tuberculosis Case Notification in Nigeria

This case study shows how an innovative social and behavior change campaign in Nigeria increased tuberculosis case notification by 50%.
Nigerian mother with face mask on holds her baby girlUSAID/Breakthrough ACTION

Adapting Social and Behavior Change Programming for Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health in Nigeria During COVID-19

This case study describes how Breakthrough ACTION worked with partners to adapt maternal, newborn, and child health programming to overcome COVID-19 challenges.