Malaria Behavior Survey
Breakthrough ACTION English, French Benin, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Kenya, Zambia, Tanzania, Malawi, Liberia, Sierra Leone Malaria Interactive, Toolkit, Website Monitoring and Evaluation Breakthrough ACTIONThis is a cross-sectional household survey of malaria-related behaviors and the factors that drive or inhibit them.
Getting Practical: Integrating Social Norms into SBC
Breakthrough ACTION English, French Presentation Slides, Technical Guide, Tool, Video/Animation Social and Structural Breakthrough ACTIONThis tool addresses the gap between formative social norms research and the other phases of the program design cycle to allow for adaptive programming.
Blueprint for Applying Behavioral Insights to Malaria Service Delivery
Breakthrough ACTION English, French Malaria, Provider Behavior Change, Service Delivery Model/Framework Breakthrough ACTIONThis document seeks to bridge silos by outlining steps for approaching provider behavior change to facilitate coordination in malaria service delivery.
From Vision to Action: Guidance for Implementing the Circle of Care Model
Breakthrough ACTION English, French Provider Behavior Change, Service Delivery Implementation Guidance Breakthrough ACTIONThis resource provides guidance for implementing the Circle of Care Model and developing social and behavior change for service delivery initiatives.
Advancing Postpartum Hemorrhage Care Approach in Madagascar
Breakthrough RESEARCH English, French Madagascar Maternal and Child Health, Provider Behavior Change Fact Sheet/Brief, Peer-reviewed Breakthrough RESEARCHThe research briefs and a research article on this page describe the development of solutions to prevent, detect, and treat postpartum hemorrhage in Madagascar.
Resources for Social and Behavior Change Advocacy in Family Planning
Breakthrough ACTION English, French Indonesia, Zambia, Rwanda, Nigeria Sexual and Reproductive Health Fact Sheet/Brief, Video/Animation Advocacy Breakthrough ACTIONThese two short animations and accompanying briefs show how social and behavior change can support global- and country-level family planning goals.
Informing Social and Behavior Change Programs Using Social Listening and Social Monitoring
Breakthrough RESEARCH English, French Francophone West Africa, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Niger, Togo Sexual and Reproductive Health, Youth Fact Sheet/Brief Knowledge Management, Monitoring and Evaluation Breakthrough RESEARCHThis brief offers practical guidance and lessons learned about using social listening as a tool to inform social and behavior change programs.
Social and Behavior Change for Service Delivery Community of Practice
Breakthrough ACTION English, French Provider Behavior Change, Service Delivery Social and Behavior Change Communication Breakthrough ACTIONThis page describes Breakthrough ACTION’s Social and Behavior Change for Service Delivery Community of Practice. Interested parties can sign up to join.
Providing Evidence to Inform Social and Behavior Change for Family Planning in Francophone West Africa
Breakthrough RESEARCH English, French Francophone West Africa, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Niger, Togo Sexual and Reproductive Health, Gender, Provider Behavior Change Fact Sheet/Brief Monitoring and Evaluation, Social and Behavior Change Communication Breakthrough RESEARCHThis suite of research activities look at SBC approaches to address behavioral determinants and improve family planning and reproductive health outcomes.