Women at a user-testing session in Niger

Introduction to Behavioral Economics Online Course

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This course introduces learners to behavioral economics and describes ways to use behavioral design to improve family planning and reproductive health outcomes.
Congolese mother breastfeeding her babyPitshou Budiongo
Reproductive Health Innovation Exchange logo

Reproductive Health Innovation Exchange

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This page features factsheets and videos about 16 innovative applications of social and behavior change approaches for family planning and reproductive health.
A nurse counseling a pregnant woman at her checkupJonathan Torgovnik/Getty Images/Images of Empowerment
A community health worker performs a malaria rapid diagnostic test on a sick childPMI Impact Malaria/Flickr
A community health worker uses a rapid malaria test on a young boy in ZambiaJennifer Somtore/USAID/Flickr
Age and social time graphicUSAID
Cover art for Tested Solutions for Fever Case ManagementBreakthrough ACTION

Applying Behavioral Science to Fever Case Management in Nigeria

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This page contains resources Breakthrough ACTION-Nigeria developed to help health care providers adhere to fever case management guidelines.
A community health worker provides women in her community counseling and post natal care at her homeJonathan Torgovnik/Getty Images/Images of Empowerment

Using a Behavioral Economics Approach for Family Planning

This brief highlights opportunities and recommendations for using behavioral economics to influence positive family planning outcomes.