Simple Tools to Reduce Preventable Deaths During Childbirth
Blog, Breakthrough RESEARCHThis blog post describes a set of behavioral science-informed tools that can help health workers in low-resource settings prevent deaths during childbirth.
When choices don’t match preferences: Better family planning through behavioral design
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONThis blog post describes programs that have successfully used behavioral design to help people choose family planning options that are best for them.
In Honor of World Breastfeeding Week: Interpreting Baby’s Cries
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONThis blog post describes how insights on how the increasingly varied cries of growing infants can affect exclusive breastfeeding by their mothers.
Designing for Provider Behavior Change: Developing Solutions to Provider-side Barriers to Quality Care
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONThis blog post describes how Breakthrough ACTION used behavioral insights to develop provider behavior change solutions that lead to better quality of care.
Same Information, Different Order: Testing Before Consultation to Improve Protocol Adherence
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONThis blog post describes how Breakthrough ACTION applied behavioral insights to improve malaria care providers’ adherence to national guidelines in Nigeria.
Examining Provider Behavior Change Opportunities
Breakthrough RESEARCH English Provider Behavior Change Presentation Slides, Literature Review Behavioral Science Breakthrough RESEARCHThis paper reviews evidence on the promise of behavioral economics to improve outcomes through provider-facing interventions in five critical health areas.
Harnessing Behavioral Design to Improve Maternal Care in Zambia
Breakthrough RESEARCH, BlogThis blog post highlights how behavioral design enabled the development of low-cost, feasible solutions to promote respectful maternal care in Zambia.
Systematic Review of Behavioral Attributes
Breakthrough RESEARCH English Maternal and Child Health Fact Sheet/Brief Behavioral Science Breakthrough RESEARCHThis brief examines nine behavioral attributes and describes four attributes that apply broadly to enhancing social and behavior programming.
Applying Behavioral Economics to Improve Women’s Experience with Maternal Care in Zambia
Breakthrough RESEARCH French, English Zambia Maternal and Child Health Peer-reviewed, Webinar, Presentation Slides, Fact Sheet/Brief Behavioral Science Breakthrough RESEARCHThis page has resources about behavioral economics-informed solutions to improve labor and delivery care experience for women in Zambia.
Simple Tools to Reduce Preventable Deaths During Childbirth
Blog, Breakthrough RESEARCHThis blog post describes a set of behavioral science-informed tools that can help health workers in low-resource settings prevent deaths during childbirth.
When choices don’t match preferences: Better family planning through behavioral design
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONThis blog post describes programs that have successfully used behavioral design to help people choose family planning options that are best for them.
In Honor of World Breastfeeding Week: Interpreting Baby’s Cries
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONThis blog post describes how insights on how the increasingly varied cries of growing infants can affect exclusive breastfeeding by their mothers.
Designing for Provider Behavior Change: Developing Solutions to Provider-side Barriers to Quality Care
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONThis blog post describes how Breakthrough ACTION used behavioral insights to develop provider behavior change solutions that lead to better quality of care.
Same Information, Different Order: Testing Before Consultation to Improve Protocol Adherence
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONThis blog post describes how Breakthrough ACTION applied behavioral insights to improve malaria care providers’ adherence to national guidelines in Nigeria.
Examining Provider Behavior Change Opportunities
Breakthrough RESEARCH English Provider Behavior Change Presentation Slides, Literature Review Behavioral Science Breakthrough RESEARCHThis paper reviews evidence on the promise of behavioral economics to improve outcomes through provider-facing interventions in five critical health areas.
Harnessing Behavioral Design to Improve Maternal Care in Zambia
Breakthrough RESEARCH, BlogThis blog post highlights how behavioral design enabled the development of low-cost, feasible solutions to promote respectful maternal care in Zambia.
Systematic Review of Behavioral Attributes
Breakthrough RESEARCH English Maternal and Child Health Fact Sheet/Brief Behavioral Science Breakthrough RESEARCHThis brief examines nine behavioral attributes and describes four attributes that apply broadly to enhancing social and behavior programming.
Applying Behavioral Economics to Improve Women’s Experience with Maternal Care in Zambia
Breakthrough RESEARCH French, English Zambia Maternal and Child Health Peer-reviewed, Webinar, Presentation Slides, Fact Sheet/Brief Behavioral Science Breakthrough RESEARCHThis page has resources about behavioral economics-informed solutions to improve labor and delivery care experience for women in Zambia.