
An expectant mother arrives at an ANC consultation with her young daughter and husbandSarah Hoibak/VectorWorks/Photoshare

Implication des hommes pour une planification familiale efficace au Togo

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Ce rapport et cette note d'information évaluent les avantages et la faisabilité de deux approches de communication sur le planning familial.
Children in Burkina FasoPhotoshare
Mother smiles at her baby girlCamber Collective

Amélioration des Programmes de Planification Familiale au Niger grâce aux Approches Synchronisées selon le Genre

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Ce rapport résume les événements du Sommet francophone 2019 sur le CSC et met en lumière les principales idées générées pendant le sommet.
Cover art showing Ouagadougou Partnership countries on a map and a three person family

Shared Agenda for Social and Behavior Change in Family Planning in the Ouagadougou Partnership Region

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This shared agenda seeks to coordinate efforts among governments, funders, and implementers seeking to create an impact in FP through SBC interventions.
Two men during an Merci Mon Héros interviewJohn Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Can Social Listening and Social Media Monitoring Benefit Your SBC Activities?

This blog posts discusses ways family planning and reproductive health social and behavior change programs can use social media to gather information.
"I’d like to use the injectable, but my boyfriend might think it’s weird if I’m bleeding irregularly." "I don’t think this doctor understands what I need, but he’ll become angry if I ask a question about his recommendation."

New Social Norm Taxonomy Helps Address Family Planning Challenges in West Africa

This blog post highlights a social norms taxonomy for addressing family planning challenges in West Africa.
A man interviews another man on videoMerci Mon Héros
A mother holding her babyU.Ozel.Images/Getty Images
It takes a village: A shared agenda for social and behavior change in family planning

Shared Agendas for Social and Behavior Change in Family Planning

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This page has tools to help galvanize global coordination in social and behavior change programs for family planning and inform SBC investment decisions.


An expectant mother arrives at an ANC consultation with her young daughter and husbandSarah Hoibak/VectorWorks/Photoshare

Implication des hommes pour une planification familiale efficace au Togo

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Ce rapport et cette note d'information évaluent les avantages et la faisabilité de deux approches de communication sur le planning familial.
Children in Burkina FasoPhotoshare
Mother smiles at her baby girlCamber Collective

Amélioration des Programmes de Planification Familiale au Niger grâce aux Approches Synchronisées selon le Genre

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Ce rapport résume les événements du Sommet francophone 2019 sur le CSC et met en lumière les principales idées générées pendant le sommet.
Cover art showing Ouagadougou Partnership countries on a map and a three person family

Shared Agenda for Social and Behavior Change in Family Planning in the Ouagadougou Partnership Region

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This shared agenda seeks to coordinate efforts among governments, funders, and implementers seeking to create an impact in FP through SBC interventions.
Two men during an Merci Mon Héros interviewJohn Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Can Social Listening and Social Media Monitoring Benefit Your SBC Activities?

This blog posts discusses ways family planning and reproductive health social and behavior change programs can use social media to gather information.
"I’d like to use the injectable, but my boyfriend might think it’s weird if I’m bleeding irregularly." "I don’t think this doctor understands what I need, but he’ll become angry if I ask a question about his recommendation."

New Social Norm Taxonomy Helps Address Family Planning Challenges in West Africa

This blog post highlights a social norms taxonomy for addressing family planning challenges in West Africa.
A man interviews another man on videoMerci Mon Héros
A mother holding her babyU.Ozel.Images/Getty Images
It takes a village: A shared agenda for social and behavior change in family planning

Shared Agendas for Social and Behavior Change in Family Planning

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This page has tools to help galvanize global coordination in social and behavior change programs for family planning and inform SBC investment decisions.