Adolescents gather in a school yard to discuss health
Man smiling in LiberiaBreakthrough ACTION Liberia
A woman, Mama Put, in her restaurant, with a concerned look on her face.Breakthrough ACTION

Mosquito Net Ownership, Access, and Use: Using SBC to Bridge Gaps

This page includes resources that explain the ITN use:access ratio and provides SBC tools and project examples relating to net distribution and net use.
Screenshot of Behavior Change Impact homepage

Behavior Change Impact: Malaria SBC Evidence Database

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This database presents a collection of over 100 articles describing interventions or studies that address malaria challenges through SBC approaches.
Cover page of a national malaria SBC strategy document

National Malaria SBC Strategy Development Package

The National Malaria SBC Strategy Development Package includes meeting agendas for stakeholder workshops and writing retreats, guidance on data synthesis and storytelling, and national malaria SBC strategy templates.