Family Empathways
Breakthrough ACTION French Sexual and Reproductive Health, Youth Interactive, Tool Community Engagement Breakthrough ACTIONCes cartes sont une activité conçue pour emmener les jeunes et leurs parents dans un voyage dynamique et engageant.

Community Empathways Dialogue Results Brief
Breakthrough ACTION English, French Francophone West Africa, Côte d’Ivoire, Togo Sexual and Reproductive Health, Youth Fact Sheet/Brief Community Engagement, Monitoring and Evaluation Breakthrough ACTIONThis brief describes an effort to gauge whether the cards contributed to reducing barriers for youth to access family planning/reproductive health services.

Community Empathways
Breakthrough ACTION French Francophone West Africa Sexual and Reproductive Health, Youth Implementation Guidance, Interactive, Tool, Video/Animation Community Engagement Breakthrough ACTIONCes cartes sont une activité conçue pour emmener les jeunes et les leaders adultes de leur communauté dans un voyage dynamique et engageant.

Merci Mon Héros
Breakthrough ACTION English, French Benin, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Francophone West Africa, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Niger, Togo, Guinea, Senegal, Mali Sexual and Reproductive Health, Youth Interactive, Website Knowledge Management Breakthrough ACTIONThis multifaceted campaign brought young people and adults together to increase social acceptance of youth access to FP/RH information and services.

Social and Behavior Change for Sexual and Reproductive Health Service Delivery Online Course
Breakthrough ACTION English, French Sexual and Reproductive Health, Provider Behavior Change, Service Delivery, Youth Online Course Social and Structural Breakthrough ACTIONThis course summarizes how social and behavior change approaches can be used to improve service delivery at each stage of the service continuum.

Using Human-Centered Design to Create a Gender-Equitable Environment for Very Young Adolescents
Breakthrough ACTION English, French Democratic Republic of the Congo, Indonesia Sexual and Reproductive Health, Gender, Youth Fact Sheet/Brief, Model/Framework, Report Human-centered Design Breakthrough ACTIONBreakthrough ACTION captured learnings from designing solutions that create a healthy environment for very young adolescents in a set of reports and briefs.

Introduction to Empathways
Breakthrough ACTION English, French Francophone West Africa, Côte d’Ivoire, Togo, Kenya, Liberia, Nepal, South Africa Sexual and Reproductive Health, Maternal and Child Health, Provider Behavior Change, Service Delivery, Youth Case Study, Fact Sheet/Brief, Tool Community Engagement Breakthrough ACTIONEmpathways is a three-round card deck designed to spark important discussion and joint reflection between young people and family planning service providers.

Contraception Discontinuation Testing Toolkit
Breakthrough ACTION English Philippines Sexual and Reproductive Health, Gender, Service Delivery, Youth Toolkit Human-centered Design, Social and Behavior Change Communication, Integration Breakthrough ACTIONThis toolkit contains six solutions family planning practitioners can adapt to address contraception discontinuation in their local context.

Social and Behavior Change for Family Planning User Journey Tool
Breakthrough ACTION English, French Sexual and Reproductive Health, Youth Implementation Guidance, Tool Advocacy Breakthrough ACTIONThis tool helps decision makers understand what drives family planning (FP) use and how they can advocate for investment in social and behavior change for FP.