Assessing Merci Mon Héros Exposure and Associated Outcomes
Breakthrough ACTION English Francophone West Africa, Niger, Côte d’Ivoire Youth, Sexual and Reproductive Health Presentation Slides Social and Behavior Change Communication, Monitoring and Evaluation, Community Engagement Breakthrough ACTIONThis presentation provides an overview of results from two Merci Mon Héros campaign exposure studies carried out in Côte d'Ivoire and Niger.

Client-Facing Materials and Counseling Aids: Literature Review Executive Summary
Breakthrough ACTION French, English Francophone West Africa Sexual and Reproductive Health Literature Review Social and Behavior Change Communication Breakthrough ACTIONThis executive summary identifies key themes and takeaways to inform contraceptive aid development in low- and middle-income countries.

Empathways in Kenya Paving the Way to More Empathetic Youth Services
Breakthrough ACTION, BlogBreakthrough ACTION worked with the Government of Kenya to address stigma, bias, and mistrust impeding youth access to reproductive health services.

Insecticide-Treated Net Access and Use Report
Breakthrough ACTION French, English Malaria Website, Report, Interactive Breakthrough ACTIONThrough a world map interface, this interactive site provides decision-makers with essential ITN indicators alongside country-specific determinants of use.

Trusted Messages and Messengers Contribute to Life-Saving Malaria Prevention Campaigns in Benue
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONIn Nigeria, Breakthrough ACTION worked with traditional and religious leaders to advance a campaign to protect children from malaria.

Approaching Provider Behavior Change Monitoring and Evaluation with a Social-Ecological Lens: New Frontiers Brief
Breakthrough ACTION French, English Service Delivery, Provider Behavior Change, Maternal and Child Health, Sexual and Reproductive Health Fact Sheet/Brief Integration, Social and Structural, Social and Behavior Change Communication, Monitoring and Evaluation Breakthrough ACTIONThis brief builds on a suite of PBC tools, which support the application of a social-ecological lens to design and implement PBC interventions.

Designing Tools to Promote Provider Empathy and Improve Quality of Health Care in Niger
Breakthrough ACTION English Niger, Francophone West Africa Provider Behavior Change, Sexual and Reproductive Health Fact Sheet/Brief Community Engagement Breakthrough ACTIONThis brief describes adapting an existing family planning counseling tool in Niger to better respond to provider and client needs.

Kicking Goals for Health: A Game-Changing Approach to Behavior Change
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONThis blog post highlights how Breakthrough ACTION leveraged the Africa Cup of Nations soccer event to encourage men to champion their families’ health.

Elevating Client-Provider Relationships: Transformative Insights from Fishbowl Sessions in Bungoma County
Blog, Breakthrough ACTIONIn Kenya, Breakthrough ACTION used fishbowl discussions with mothers offer feedback on their health facilities and follow up to discuss ensuring improvements.