A farmer with his goats in LiberiaAliza Waxman/USAID/Flickr

Collaborative Groups and a New Message Guide in Liberia

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This success story describes how Breakthrough ACTION addressed gaps in risk communication and laid the groundwork for resilience in Liberia.
Group photo at end the FEMAPH training session in Mali
children, livestock, and natureUSAID

Digital Solutions Facilitate Communication Among One Health Partners in Ethiopia

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This success story describes how the Ethiopian National One Health Steering Committee developed digital communication platforms.
A woman rears sheep in EthiopiaKelley Lynch/USAID
Man with livestock in Côte d'Ivoire

Strengthening SBC for FP in Fragile and Humanitarian Crisis Settings: Landscape Analysis and Recommendations

This brief summarizes findings and insights from a landscape assessment on resources and evidence for FP SBC in fragile and humanitarian settings.
The “Check Am O!” (Go and Check It!) tuberculosis testing and treatment SBC campaign in NigeriaValentine Edoziem/Breakthrough ACTION-Nigeria
Nigerian men gather to look at integrated SBC referral cardsBreakthrough ACTION-Nigeria

Nigeria Women’s Empowerment Groups

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Women’s Empowerment Groups in Nigeria provide safe spaces for women and strengthen their capacity and agency to practice health behaviors.