Several people working on step 4 of participatory data analysis process in Guinea
Super Ami des ChiensBreakthrough ACTION

Super Ami des Chiens Campaign

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The Super Ami des Chiens campaign empowered communities to combat rabies in Guinea using a variety of communication channels.
21 déterminants comportementaux et structurels dan la lutte contre la tuberculose
Family in GuineaBreakthrough ACTION Guinea
Baby getting the malaria vaccine in GuineaBreakthrough ACTION Guinea
At a clinic in Kingabwa, Francine has her blood pressure taken before receiving her contraceptive method of choice, an implant. She is a participant in a local program organized by Action Humanitaire pour le Développement Durable Intégral Congolais (Humanitarian Action for Congolese Sustainable Development) and supported by le Fonds pour les Femmes Congolaises (The Fund for Congolese Women).Getty Images/Images of Empowerment

The Caregiver-Client Relationship Course

This course equips medical and nursing students with vital communication skills to enhance caregiver-client trust and health care outcomes.
Parents engaged during a prototype testing session in the DRC

Engaging Parents in Sexual and Reproductive Health Programs for Very Young Adolescents in the DRC

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This document shares key learnings from a human-centered design (HCD) process with VYAs in the DRC and suggests key implications for programs and policies.
Design and testing tools in DRC

Leveraging HCD to Improve Gender-Equitable Adolescent Programming

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This brief documents learnings from human-centered design processes with very young adolescents in Indonesia and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Cost Comparison activity in the DRCBreakthrough ACTION-DRC