WABA Community Engagement to Identify and Address Barriers
Breakthrough ACTION English, French Francophone West Africa, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Niger, Togo Sexual and Reproductive Health Toolkit Community Engagement Breakthrough ACTIONThis community engagement approach leverages community strengths and resources to address local challenges rather than relying on external support.
WABA Provider Behavior Change for Improved Family Planning Service Delivery
Breakthrough ACTION English, French Francophone West Africa, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Niger, Togo Sexual and Reproductive Health, Provider Behavior Change Toolkit, Video/Animation Breakthrough ACTIONThis set of provider behavior change solutions focuses on improving the family planning service delivery experience in West Africa.
Confiance Totale Family Planning Demand Generation Campaign
Breakthrough ACTION French Francophone West Africa, Côte d’Ivoire, Togo Sexual and Reproductive Health Toolkit Breakthrough ACTIONThese campaign materials, in French and local languages, promote the safety and efficacy of family planning, health centers, and health care providers.
Social and Behavior Change for Sexual and Reproductive Health Catalog and Interactive Site
Breakthrough ACTION English, French, Spanish Sexual and Reproductive Health Interactive, Toolkit, Website Breakthrough ACTION, Breakthrough RESEARCHThis catalog and interactive site are designed to help navigate more than 180 cutting-edge sexual and reproductive health resources.
Audience Segmentation for Vaccination Toolkit
Breakthrough ACTION English, French Francophone West Africa COVID-19 Toolkit Audience Segmentation Breakthrough ACTIONThis toolkit teaches how to encourage vaccine acceptance and uptake by employing segmentation based on attitudes and behaviors of the intended audience.
Antenatal Care Client Segmentation Toolkit
Breakthrough ACTION English Malaria, Provider Behavior Change, Service Delivery Toolkit Audience Segmentation Breakthrough ACTIONThis toolkit helps malaria practitioners and implementing partners plan and integrate segmentation-based profiles into their existing work.
Gender Analysis for Vaccine Response: Toolkit for Risk Communication and Community Engagement Actors
Breakthrough ACTION English, French COVID-19, Gender, Service Delivery Toolkit, Video/Animation Community Engagement, Social and Structural Breakthrough ACTIONThis toolkit helps risk communication and community engagement actors develop, implement, and monitor gender-equitable vaccine responses.
SBC Learning Central
Breakthrough ACTION English, French Francophone West Africa COVID-19, Sexual and Reproductive Health, Gender, Malaria, Maternal and Child Health, Nutrition, Provider Behavior Change, Service Delivery Online Course, Toolkit, Website Audience Segmentation, Behavioral Science, Community Engagement, Human-centered Design, Monitoring and Evaluation, Social and Behavior Change Communication, Social and Structural Breakthrough ACTIONSBC Learning Central offers free online courses to help public health professionals incorporate proven and innovative SBC methodologies into their work.
Contraception Discontinuation Testing Toolkit
Breakthrough ACTION English Philippines Sexual and Reproductive Health, Gender, Service Delivery, Youth Toolkit Human-centered Design, Social and Behavior Change Communication, Integration Breakthrough ACTIONThis toolkit contains six solutions family planning practitioners can adapt to address contraception discontinuation in their local context.