SBC Flow Chart: Guinea Health Service Delivery Spotlight
Breakthrough ACTION English Guinea Service Delivery Success Story Integration Breakthrough ACTIONThis Spotlight describes how the SBC Flow Chart was applied to increase motivation, ability, and opportunities among community health agents to collaborate in Guinea.
Social and Behavior Change Flow Chart
Breakthrough ACTION English Guinea, Guyana, Nigeria, Jamaica Malaria, Service Delivery, Tuberculosis Toolkit Behavioral Science, Human-centered Design, Integration Breakthrough ACTIONUsing human-centered design principles, the SBC Flow Chart asks users to adopt a beginner's mind to identify new insights to solve public health problems.
Assessing Current Practices and Behavioral Determinants of Health Outcomes Among Women in Northern Nigeria
Breakthrough RESEARCH English Nigeria Maternal and Child Health Fact Sheet/Brief Integration Breakthrough RESEARCHThis page contains three infographics summarizing the results of research on health practices and behavioral determinants of health outcomes in Nigeria.
Generating Evidence to Inform Integrated Social and Behavior Change Programming in Nigeria
Breakthrough RESEARCH English Nigeria Sexual and Reproductive Health, Gender, Maternal and Child Health, Youth Fact Sheet/Brief, Peer-reviewed, Presentation Slides, Report, Webinar Integration Breakthrough RESEARCHThis series of briefs, webinars, and slide decks discuss results will help to improve the delivery of integrated SBC programming across health areas and behaviors.
Gender Integration in Social and Behavior Change: What does it take?
Breakthrough RESEARCH English Gender Fact Sheet/Brief, Report Integration Breakthrough RESEARCHThe report and accompanying brief highlight eight promising practices for integrating gender considerations in social and behavior change interventions.
Social and Behavior Change Research Spotlights
Breakthrough RESEARCH English, French Burkina Faso, India, Tanzania, Pakistan Maternal and Child Health, Provider Behavior Change Fact Sheet/Brief, Presentation Slides, Webinar, Website Audience Segmentation, Integration Breakthrough RESEARCHThese research spotlights highlight how three SBC initiatives are filling priority evidence gaps for integrated SBC and PBC programming.
Developing a Social and Behavior Change Research Agenda
Breakthrough RESEARCH English, French Provider Behavior Change Fact Sheet/Brief, Presentation Slides, Webinar Knowledge Management, Monitoring and Evaluation, Integration Breakthrough RESEARCHThis page contains resources to help social and behavior change (SBC) professionals understand provider behavior change and integrated SBC programming.
Learning, Evaluating, and Adapting Social and Behavior Change Programming
Breakthrough RESEARCH English Zambia Sexual and Reproductive Health, HIV Fact Sheet/Brief Monitoring and Evaluation, Integration Breakthrough RESEARCHThis brief documents lessons for health professionals implementing multi-health, community-based social programs with integrated health services.