Crowd of boys laughingKim Burns Case/JHUCCP/Photoshare

Developing Social and Behavior Change Costing Guidelines

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These guidelines and associated materials provides a framework for estimating the cost of interventions for social and behavior change.
Children in Burkina FasoPhotoshare
Mother holding babyRichard Nyberg/Photoshare
A woman standing in front of a video cameraMerci Mon Héros
A mother and her baby son smile in NigerUNICEF/Benedicte Kurzen
Cover of the Real-Time Rumor Tracking for COVID-19: System Design and Implementation Guide

Real-Time Rumor Tracking for COVID-19: System Design and Implementation Guide

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This document will help humanitarian, public health organizations, and national governments seeking to document rumors in a systematic and dynamic fashion.
Homepage of the Malaria Behavior Survey

Malaria Behavior Survey

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This is a cross-sectional household survey of malaria-related behaviors and the factors that drive or inhibit them.
A man interviews another man on videoMerci Mon Héros
A mother holding her babyU.Ozel.Images/Getty Images