Graphic image showing a family of five
Cover of Advancing Male Engagement

Advancing Male Engagement in FP/RH: An Advocacy Tool

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This guide helps family planning practitioners advocate for investments, commitment, and implementation of male engagement efforts.
Cover of Moving the Needle Towards Gender Transformation

Moving the Needle Towards Gender Transformation

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This series of case studies showcase how real-world programs can integrate gender in ways that are culturally responsive and contextually appropriate.
Family Planning Norms Taxonomy: East Africa

Family Planning Social Norms Taxonomy for East Africa

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Breakthrough ACTION’s taxonomy for social norms can be used for research and program development for family planning interventions in East Africa.
A man interviews another man on videoMerci Mon Héros
A mother and her baby son smile in NigerUNICEF/Benedicte Kurzen
Children in Burkina FasoPhotoshare
Mother, father, and young sonMwangi Kirubi

Suivi de l’assurance qualité de la campagne d’image de marque Confiance Totale en Côte d’Ivoire

Ce rapport résume une évaluation visant à déterminer l'efficacité d'une campagne destinée à accroître la demande de services de planification familiale en Afrique de l'Ouest.
A female health worker provides reproductive health and family planning counseling to a woman in SenegalJonathan Torgovnik/Getty Images/Images of Empowerment

Applying Segmentation to SBC in Family Planning Online Course

This Global Health e-Learning Center course teaches how to use audience segmentation results to improve family planning and reproductive health programs.