Two people sitting in café looking at a phone togetherAugust de Richelieu/Pexels
Nigerian mother holding her baby sonNura Bashir Fagg/Breakthrough ACTION Nigeria

Breakthrough ACTION Nigeria Success Stories

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This page documents the successes of Breakthrough ACTION’s work to improve health outcomes in Nigeria through social and behavior change.
ZBRA homepage

Zoonotic Behavioral Research Assessments

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Researchers, public health practitioners, government officials, and implementing partners can use this website to research priority zoonotic diseases.
A woman outdoors near tubs of liquid in Jamaica

SBC Flow Chart: Jamaica Mosquito Control Spotlight

This Spotlight provides an overview of how the SBC Flow Chart was applied to develop mosquito control solutions in Jamaica, including a spatial repellent.
A woman is tested and treated for malaria with her new baby at a health center in UgandaUSAID

Integrating Gender Into the COVID-19 RCCE Response

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This brief makes recommendations on integrating gender into COVID-19 risk communication and community engagement efforts.
People at an outdoor market in El Salvadorhelovi, Getty Images