Cover art for Tested Solutions for Supporting Facility-Based Delivery

Tested Solutions for Supporting Facility-Based Delivery

Breakthrough ACTION used behavioral design to develop a package of solutions to support women and their families with their facility-based delivery intentions.

Strengthening Social Accountability to Improve Reproductive Health and Family Planning Services

This brief documents Breakthrough ACTION learnings from its work to strengthen social accountability in reproductive health and family planning services in West Africa.
Six female primary health care workers in IndiaUSAID
A community volunteer poses outside her grocery store in IndiaMansi Midha/Getty Images/Images of Empowerment
Two women working with the Contraception Discontinuation Testing Toolkit
Ugandan youth club meets to discuss sex education and family planning methodsJonathan Torgovnik/Getty Images/Images of Empowerment

Provider Behavior Change Toolkit for Family Planning

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This toolkit helps users identify, understand, and prioritize factors influencing provider behavior change (PBC) so they can design supportive PBC initiatives.
Gen-N (HIV Negative Generation) Empathways

Empathways Adaptations

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This page contains information about adapting Empathways, a card activity, for use in a variety of health areas to build provider-client trust.
Engaging Men as Contraceptive Users toolDominic Chavez/World Bank
Supporting sexual-reproductive self-care