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Tested Solutions for Supporting Facility-Based Delivery

Breakthrough ACTION used behavioral design to develop a package of solutions to support women and their families with their facility-based delivery intentions.

Strengthening Social Accountability to Improve Reproductive Health and Family Planning Services

This brief documents Breakthrough ACTION learnings from its work to strengthen social accountability in reproductive health and family planning services in West Africa.
A 13 year old boy and 12 year old girl with signs about getting the COVID-19 vaccine in BangladeshBreakthrough ACTION

Community Session: A Tool to Protect Community Against COVID-19 in Bangladesh

Breakthrough ACTION established a vaccine ambassador community engagement program in Bangladesh to raise awareness and counter misinformation about COVID-19.
Six female primary health care workers in IndiaUSAID
A community volunteer poses outside her grocery store in IndiaMansi Midha/Getty Images/Images of Empowerment
Two women working with the Contraception Discontinuation Testing Toolkit
A health extension worker facilitates a women's conversation on family planning in EthiopiaMaheder Haileselassie Tadese/Getty Images/Images of Empowerment

Addressing Barriers to Family Planning for Postpartum Women Experiencing Depression and Anxiety

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This case study explores the use of cognitive behavioral therapy approaches to address postpartum anxiety and depression, which may inhibit contraceptive use.
Nourishing Connections CHW job aid and supporting tools

Nutrition Job Aid for Community Health Workers

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This set of tools, which includes an easy-to-use job aid, helps community health workers provide more empathetic nutrition counseling.