Parents engaged during a prototype testing session in the DRC

Engaging Parents in Sexual and Reproductive Health Programs for Very Young Adolescents in the DRC

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This document shares key learnings from a human-centered design (HCD) process with VYAs in the DRC and suggests key implications for programs and policies.
Design and testing tools in DRC

Leveraging HCD to Improve Gender-Equitable Adolescent Programming

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This brief documents learnings from human-centered design processes with very young adolescents in Indonesia and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Cost Comparison activity in the DRCBreakthrough ACTION-DRC
Pregnant woman and her male partner
Graphic of an African doctor with a mother holding a toddlerBreakthrough ACTION
An Indonesian family sitting around a table playing a gameBreakthrough ACTION
Three people in front of microphones as part of the Merci Mon Héros campaignBreakthrough ACTION

Merci Mon Héros

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This multifaceted campaign brought young people and adults together to increase social acceptance of youth access to FP/RH information and services.
Congolese mother breastfeeding her babyPitshou Budiongo/ideas42

Behavioral Design to Inform Social and Behavior Change for Nutrition Online Course

This course offers a hands-on introduction to behavioral science and behavioral design, and how these approaches can be applied to nutrition challenges.