A female health worker discusses FP with a woman using the Promise tool during a counseling session in NigerSouley Tanko Abdoul Aziz/Breakthrough ACTION/Save the Children

Advancing Inclusion of Sexual and Gender Minority Youth in FP and SRH Programs

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This brief describes seven ways family planning and sexual and reproductive health programs can include sexual and gender minority youth.
Several Ethiopian women participate in a group conversation on family planningMaheder Haileselassie Tadese/Getty Images/Images of Empowerment

Mothers Time Tool for Community Health Workers

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This tool helps community health workers better counsel postpartum women in low-resources settings, thus supporting their reproductive health intentions.
A Liberian man holds a sign about rabies preventionBreakthrough ACTION Liberia
An Indonesian family sitting around a table playing a gameBreakthrough ACTION
A community health worker walks to see patients in CameroonPMI

Leveraging Ambassadors to Support COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake and Malaria Prevention: A Technical Brief

This brief explains how Breakthrough ACTION worked closely with influential individuals to act as trusted ambassadors to increase COVID-19 vaccine rates.
Follow Who Know Road Campaign video stillBreakthrough ACTION

Follow Who Know Road Campaign: Development, Implementation, and Lessons Learned

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This brief describes the process of implementing a SBC video campaign in Nigeria—from developing the campaign concept to producing and airing the videos.
Two women using the Empathways card deck in TogoWest Africa Breakthrough ACTION

Community Empathways Dialogue Results Brief

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This brief describes an effort to gauge whether the cards contributed to reducing barriers for youth to access family planning/reproductive health services.
Graphic of two women doing research