Shared Agenda for Social and Behavior Change in Family Planning in the Ouagadougou Partnership Region
Breakthrough ACTION English, French Francophone West Africa Sexual and Reproductive Health, Gender Technical Guide Advocacy Breakthrough ACTIONThis shared agenda seeks to coordinate efforts among governments, funders, and implementers seeking to create an impact in FP through SBC interventions.
Getting Practical: Integrating Social Norms into SBC
Breakthrough ACTION French, English Presentation Slides, Technical Guide, Tool, Video/Animation Social and Structural Breakthrough ACTIONThis tool addresses the gap between formative social norms research and the other phases of the program design cycle to allow for adaptive programming.
Guidance on Social and Behavior Change for Family Planning During COVID-19
Breakthrough ACTION Spanish, English, French COVID-19, Sexual and Reproductive Health Fact Sheet/Brief, Presentation Slides, Technical Guide, Webinar Community Engagement Breakthrough ACTIONThis guide helps social and behavior change practitioners adapt their family planning programs in response to COVID-19-related challenges.
Social and Behavior Change Monitoring Guidance
Breakthrough ACTION English Malaria Technical Guide Monitoring and Evaluation Breakthrough ACTIONThis set of briefs offer concise guidance on social and behavior change monitoring methods. Each brief covers applicability, strengths, and weaknesses.