Making the Case for Malaria SBC: Key Messages and Actionable Steps

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This document highlights nine key messages, five actionable steps, and valuable resources and evidence that make the case for investment in malaria SBC.

Nigeria Malaria Social and Behavior Change Tools and Resources

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Breakthrough ACTION and the Nigeria National Malaria Elimination Programme worked to motivate people and providers to prevent, test, and treat malaria.
A health care worker provides treatment to a community member who tested positive for malaria
Nigerian men gather to look at integrated SBC referral cardsBreakthrough ACTION-Nigeria

Nigeria Women’s Empowerment Groups

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Women’s Empowerment Groups in Nigeria provide safe spaces for women and strengthen their capacity and agency to practice health behaviors.
Potential levels of influence on FP behaviorsBreakthrough ACTION
Cover of the Insights 101 Playbook

The Insights 101 Playbook

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This resource helps users identify, articulate, and incorporate insights into social and behavior change program designs.
Graphic of an African doctor with a mother holding a toddlerBreakthrough ACTION