mother feeding a child fruit

National Multisectoral Strategic Plan for Nutrition Communication in the DRC

This SBC plan outlines actions for addressing persistent malnutrition in the DRC, emphasizing coordinated advocacy and communication strategies.
Girls in Nepal gather to discuss reducing child, early, and forced marriageRajesh Ghimire

Understanding Child, Early, and Forced Marriage in Nepal

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This report provides an in-depth look at the Reducing Child, Early, and Forced Marriage (R-CEFM) project led by Breakthrough ACTION in Nepal’s Madhesh Province.
April 29th was declared as the Day Against Child Marriage in Nepal

Nepal Reducing Child, Early and Forced Marriage Outcome Harvesting Evaluation

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This report and summary brief highlight the outcome harvesting evaluation of Breakthrough ACTION's Reducing Child, Early, and Forced Marriage project implemented in Nepal from 2020 to 2024.
Three workshop participants in NepalBreakthrough ACTION

Nepal Reducing Child, Early, and Forced Marriage Most Significant Change Evaluation

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This report and summary brief present findings from the most significant change evaluation of Breakthrough ACTION’s efforts to reduce child, early, and forced marriage in Nepal.
Religious leader speaking Nepal

Local System Strengthening for Reducing Child, Early, and Forced Marriage Endline Evaluation

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This report and summary brief present key research findings from Breakthrough ACTION's Reducing Child, Early, and Forced Marriage project, which was implemented in Nepal from 2020 to 2024.
Meeting to reduce CEFM in Nepal

Human-Centered Design to Reduce Child, Early, and Forced Marriage in Nepal

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This report and summary brief detail Breakthrough ACTION’s human-centered design approach to reducing child, early, and forced marriage in Nepal.
Stratégie nationale de changement social et de comportement, 2024-2028Breakthrough ACTION

Democratic Republic of the Congo National Malaria Social and Behavior Change Strategy

This SBC strategy for malaria in the DRC incorporates key insights from Breakthrough ACTION’s malaria research studies and updated priority health messages.