Nutrition Job Aid for Community Health Workers
Breakthrough ACTION English, French Nigeria Nutrition, Provider Behavior Change, Service Delivery Tool Community Engagement, Human-centered Design Breakthrough ACTIONThis set of tools, which includes an easy-to-use job aid, helps community health workers provide more empathetic nutrition counseling.
Introduction to Social and Behavior Change Online Course
Breakthrough ACTION French Francophone West Africa Sexual and Reproductive Health, Gender Online Course Audience Segmentation, Behavioral Science, Community Engagement, Human-centered Design, Social and Behavior Change Communication, Social and Structural Breakthrough ACTIONCe cours décrit comment les activités de changement social et de comportement améliorent l'efficacité des programmes de santé.
Lessons from the COVID-19 Response
Breakthrough ACTION English Burma, Cambodia, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Indonesia, Mozambique, South Africa, Philippines, Guatemala COVID-19 Case Study, Tool Community Engagement, Monitoring and Evaluation Breakthrough ACTIONRead about the lessons Breakthrough ACTION learned in the process of adapting social and behavior change programs during COVID-19.
Integrating Gender into the COVID-19 Vaccine Response: A Technical Brief
Breakthrough ACTION English, French, Spanish COVID-19, Gender Fact Sheet/Brief Community Engagement Breakthrough ACTIONThis brief provides recommendations on integrating gender perspective into COVID-19 risk community and community engagement response.
Malaria SBC Toolkit for Community and Faith Leaders
Breakthrough ACTION English, French, Spanish Malaria Toolkit Community Engagement Breakthrough ACTIONThis free online toolkit has resources to help users integrate an organization’s existing strengths, connections, and activities with key malaria resources that can save lives.
Socially Marginalized Groups and COVID-19
Breakthrough ACTION English COVID-19 Fact Sheet/Brief Community Engagement Breakthrough ACTIONThis brief provides recommendations for addressing the needs of social marginalized groups for COVID-19 risk communication and community engagement efforts.
Integrating Gender Into the COVID-19 RCCE Response
Breakthrough ACTION English COVID-19, Gender, Global Health Security Fact Sheet/Brief Community Engagement Breakthrough ACTIONThis brief makes recommendations on integrating gender into COVID-19 risk communication and community engagement efforts.
Creating a Real-Time Rumor Management System for COVID-19
Breakthrough ACTION English COVID-19 Fact Sheet/Brief Community Engagement, Digital, Monitoring and Evaluation Breakthrough ACTIONThis brief includes guidance and resources to help country programs address rumors and provide accurate information during public health emergencies.
COVID-19 Rumor Tracking
Breakthrough ACTION English COVID-19 Fact Sheet/Brief Community Engagement, Monitoring and Evaluation, Social and Behavior Change Communication Breakthrough ACTIONThis brief outlines steps and provides resources on how country programs can track and address rumors around COVID-19.